Trump is a Criminal, and the most Hated Members of his Fascist Party Will be Joining him in Court on Tuesday

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Our government is literally worthless. It does nothing of importance or in service to the American people. The 118 th Congress began in January of 2023. A total of 59 federal laws were passed, although the average per year is between 200-600. Most of the blame for doing nothing lies squarely on the limp and cowardly shoulders of Republicans in the House of Representatives. A perfect example of how right-wing extremists waste your time and money will happen today in New York. Members of the House Freedom Caucus will sit in a courtroom in support of their Fuhrer, Donald Trump. “Big Adolf” is charged with several felonies which involves paying “hush money” to an adult film star. The purpose was to prevent the American people from learning about his acts of infidelity prior to the 2016 election. How dignifying! This is where members of your government will be today instead of earning their paychecks. APPARENTLY, WE DO NOT NEED ALL 545 ELECTED OFFICIALS ...