
Showing posts with the label Abortion

Whether You are Religious or not, Everyone who Supports the Constitution must be Concerned

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Anyone who refuses to believe that the American people are engaged in a Second Civil War in 2024 is not paying attention. Donald Trump’s fascist party, once known as the “Republican Party,” is actively attempting to overthrow the parts of our Constitution which protects human rights and our freedoms while loyal and patriotic Americans are attempting to save the nation of our Founding Fathers. THE FIRST BATTLE INVOLVES PROTECTING THE FIRST LINE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our Founding Fathers packed up and left England after King George III declared the Anglican Church the one true religion of the British Empire. This is why every American is guaranteed the right to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. In the 1970’s, a group of extremist Christian leaders formed what is literally a lobby with the intention becoming involved in the governance

Why Do Right-Wing Politicians Hate The Women in Their Lives?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let’s take a look at something which I find extremely confusing. I understand t hat hardcore Republican voters are in decline: many of them are around my age. I am an original baby boomer. But this fact adds to my consternation.   Donald Trump lost the vote of America’s women in 2016 and 2020. I am fully aware that the right-wing began a war on women in 1981 with the inauguration of Ronald Reagan , but why are they escalating that war in the 21 st century?   I don’t believe that Reagan was a misogynist. What I do know is that he was a religious zealot, an extremist, and his faith surpassed the rights of women regardless of their relationships to him or his constituents.   MOSCOW MITCH LEARNED THAT DREAMS CAN COME TRUE   Nearly two years ago a major goal of the old, white men on the right side of the aisle became a reality. After a 4 9-year fight, the law protecting a woman’s right to decide the future of her own mental and physical health was revoked b