
Showing posts with the label Television

Right-Wing Lies Continue with Fallacious Campaign Ads: What Else Would You Expect? That’s all They Have

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Everything Trump and his extremist party accuse Democrats of in their television ads are vicious lies, He and his party have committed many of those alleged crimes against America for the last nine years. Their only hope for winning elections is based on the fact that ignorant, uninformed voters, will believe everything they see and hear on the “boob tube.” Do not be misled. Today’s “Republican Party” has morphed into the American Nazi Party. Their fascist policies and plans for our future are not founded in the democratic principles of the Constitution. They seek complete control over the lives of all Americans for personal benefit. Project 2025, formed by Trump and composed by his minions, is a plan to end the dreams of our Founding Fathers. Right-wing politicians, unable to find a single qualified candidate, nominated the least qualified man in the nation for a third presidential campaign. “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting ...

Television Today is Mostly an Embarrassment

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Groucho Marx: “I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” This was an observation from the early days of television. It was accurate. Over the next 70-80 years of television broadcasts, there have been a combination of great, good, interesting, bad, and recently with the obsession of “reality TV” an embarrassment to anyone who possesses average intelligence. I was raised on television. By that I mean that my mother was a single parent, my brother and I were latching key kids, and our only source of entertainment was initially a nine-inch television. This was the early 1950’s and there wasn’t much to see. However, as time passed and our nation became obsessed with the “boob tube,” the early age of television began and I was very happy. I remain obsessed today, but also extremely disappointed. As television expanded into numerous areas of entertainment, including sports, politics, cookin...