Why is No One Talking About Trump’s Obvious Dementia?
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart First, we have proof beginning in 2015 that Trump suffers from malignant narcissism. If you doubt the opinions of health professionals, read the definition. Malignant Narcissism: “ a psychological syndrome that's a severe and potentially dangerous form of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). It's characterized by a mix of narcissism, antisocial behavior, sadism, and paranoia. People with malignant narcissism may have an inflated sense of self-worth, a need for admiration, and a disregard for others. They may also be manipulative, aggressive, and abusive without remorse.” Trump is undeniably the poster boy for this mental disorder. If you’ve ever listened to a few minutes of one of his speeches at a hate ral ly, he covers every sentence and every word contained in the definition. So why is the media covering the few moments in the debate when the President faltered? DOES THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA SUPPORT...