
Showing posts with the label Fantasyland

When Trump Loses on November 5th Many Claim that They Will not Accept the Results

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s supporters who claim to believe his big lie about the 2020 election are in one of two categories: they live in a fantasy world with their Fuhrer, or are just plain stupid. Not a single case in more than 60 states or the Supreme Court of the United States, supported one allegation claimed by Trump’s incompetent attorneys. He was soundly defeated in both the Electoral College and popular vote: the latter by about eight-million votes. TRUMP HAS PROVEN THAT HE HAS LESS THAN AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE MANY TIMES To believe Trump about anything is ignorance by choice. However, Trump’s response to the Charlotteville tragedy, claiming “there were good people on both sides,” and the fact that he planned the January 6 failed coup with the assistance of leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi groups, prove that he is the leader of the fascist movement in America. To deny the truth about the election is to ignore facts and reality. If you are that stupid, you should...