
Showing posts with the label American Government

Washington has Become a Really Bad Marx Brothers Movie

In the 1930’s some of the funniest movies ever made starred the Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and Zeppo. In 1933, they made a movie/satire called “Duck Soup.” The storyline was about a fictional country called “Freedonia,” which was in desperate need of new leadership. Enter Groucho Marx. What is happening at this very moment in Washington reminded me of   the hilarious farcical film, with one exception: Trump and his clowns are not funny: not even a little bit. The level of incompetence within all three branches of government in 2025 is truly unbelievable. It appears that the least qualified fake president in history purposely chose the worst men and women possible to join his already failed administration. America laughed about the nomination of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General until we realized Trump was serious. Then we were forced to admit that Trump is a senile and very old man whose dementia is increasing rapidly. He is too old and undeniably unfit to lead all 340 mill...

Two Americas; Two Countries Within one Nation

Principles, morals, respect, and trust. Every country, every nation’s leaders, and every individual in every country must possess the first two qualities and earn the latter two. Without these qualities, no country, no individual will accomplish anything of value, anything worth remembering. These things I learned from my grandfather and one of my uncles. I consider myself a good and spiritual man because I have worked hard to be the best person I can be. I am far from perfect, but my search for perfection continues at the age of 78. Education is a tool. If it is used properly, it can aid an individual in his or her search to reach higher levels of spirituality and understanding. Therefore, I believe in questioning everything. If you don’t receive answers which make sense, you should probably discard the information. Why am I writing about myself? The truth is that I am not important enough to have anything written about me. However, the most valuable part of my education has come from...

No One is Addressing the Growing Exodus of America’s Teachers and Nurses

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Right-wing politicians would like you to believe that the most important issue in America is the reelection of Donald Trump in 2024. These men and women have renounced democracy and are planning a replacement for our democratic government in the form of autocratic rule. This is necessary to protect the plutocracy they created over the last 42 years. Please do not discount this fact. I abhor conspiracy theories, but I have been writing about American politics for 10 years and I pay attention. The very existence of our beloved country is questionable. Serious problems have been completely ignored by today’s Republicans In Name Only. Universal Healthcare, immigration reform, the high cost of education, growing racism, and the subjugation of women are among the issues important to most Americans. Republican simply don’t care. However, two of the most important issues have been completely ignored by politicians, the media, and will become a major...