
Showing posts with the label Mainstream media

The Mainstream Media no Longer Does its Job: I Gues I Have to Do It

  If the 2024 election taught us anything, it’s that Russia once again interfered in our election, according to the FBI, and most voters must be educated. It was clear that on November 5, 2024, most Americans voted based on emotions and misinformation on the boob tube, not on facts. It is an irrefutable fact the America has the least informed voters in the world. Early in 2024, the FBI reported that Russia was once again heavily involved in controlling the results of our election. We never heard from them again. Was this election rigged as it was in 2016? The mainstream media no longer deserves the title of “the fourth estate.” It has failed to report what has become rampant crime and corruption in Washington in the 21 st  century. I constantly report the events and actions which occur in our nation’s Capital daily. It’s not hard. The Washington Mafia remains in control of our government. This Mafia hides behind titles including Senator, Congressman, Supreme Court Justice, a...

Trump is a Bully; All Bullies Are Cowards

A draft dodger, a bully, a womanizer, a con artist: these are all terms which can accurately be used to describe Donald John Trump. Words which cannot be attached to Trump are caring, compassionate, kind, intelligent, generous, or leader. Like all egomaniacs, Trump enjoys having power over others, but is incapable of accepting even minor criticism from anyone. A little-known fact about Trump’s first illegitimate presidency has been ignored and probably hidden from the American people by the mainstream media, adds to the analysis of the real Donald Trump. After the federal execution of Billie Allen in 2003, not a single death row inmate had been executed by the federal government until 2019-2020. Trump approved of and even hurried the deaths of 13 federal prisoners. After his controversial reelection last November 5 th , he pledged to increase the number of executions after his inauguration. In an obvious response to Trump’s blood lust, President Biden recently commuted the death senten...

What You Will Never Hear from Any News Network: The Truth About Our Nation’s Economy

To understand our nation’s up and down economy, we must look at the fiscal policies of every president since 1981. It was 43 years ago when Ronald Reagan became our country’s 40 th president. He revealed his fiscal policy which he called “supply side economics.” This misleading term led to a more accurate description known as “trickle-down economics.” Reagan originated the Republican Party’s current policy of focusing on the success of the super-rich. He claimed that if their huge corporations were profitable, in turn they would create jobs and the foundation of a capitalistic society, consumerism, would grow exponentially. Of course his policy failed miserably. Billionaires care about no one and nothing else other than increasing their already ludicrous personal wealth. When Reagan left office in 1989, unemployment was at 10 percent and rising, and the national debt reached an unfathomable one-trillion dollars. His successor, Republican George H.W. Bush continued Reagan’s policy of g...

Why Does the Mainstream Media Support a Second Trump Presidency?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart No one is reporting one fact about the 2024 election. As they did in 2016, the mainstream media is clearly supporting another illegitimate win for Donald Trump. In 2016, the media covered Trump and his hate rallies five-times more frequently than all other candidates combined. On the rare occasion they covered Hillary Clinton’s campaign they continued to talk about her use of a private e-mail server while Secretary of State. It is an undeniable fact that the media was a large factor in Trump’s controversial victory in the Electoral College. It is becoming more obvious every day that the mainstream media is once again supporting Trump. The big story of the week, which should have been front page news on every newspaper, and the internet, came from Trump’s former White House Chief of Staff. Former Marine Corps General, John Kelly, claims that Trump is the definition of a fascist who praised Hitler and the “good things” he did. His allegation was supported by sever...

Government Corruption Escalated as the Fourth Estate Lost its Way and Ceased to Exist

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart A fact no one can dispute and no one will talk about. Our founding fathers guaranteed protection for the free press with a single purpose in mind: to force government transparency and prevent corruption. It has been known as the “Fourth Estate” for 248 years. However, the facts prove that it has not existed for more than two decades. America and American businesses have become inextricably linked. The United States is about money, not the welfare of its people. Look at the last two years. Campaigning for the presidency began early in 2023 as Trump increased the number of his hate rallies. When the election is over, billions of dollars will have been spent to secure a position which pays $400,000 per year with an additional expense account of $50,000 annually. The 2024 campaign season is expected to cost 15.9 billion dollars, exceeding the old record in 2020 of 15.1 billion. The media’s share of this ridiculous sum is estimated at 12.32 billion dollars. Understan...

Right-Wing Lies Continue with Fallacious Campaign Ads: What Else Would You Expect? That’s all They Have

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Everything Trump and his extremist party accuse Democrats of in their television ads are vicious lies, He and his party have committed many of those alleged crimes against America for the last nine years. Their only hope for winning elections is based on the fact that ignorant, uninformed voters, will believe everything they see and hear on the “boob tube.” Do not be misled. Today’s “Republican Party” has morphed into the American Nazi Party. Their fascist policies and plans for our future are not founded in the democratic principles of the Constitution. They seek complete control over the lives of all Americans for personal benefit. Project 2025, formed by Trump and composed by his minions, is a plan to end the dreams of our Founding Fathers. Right-wing politicians, unable to find a single qualified candidate, nominated the least qualified man in the nation for a third presidential campaign. “Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting ...

No American Wants the Trump Klan in our White House Again

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart According to some men and women who worked in the Trump White House, chaos, anger, uncertainty, and disorganization dominated their daily lives. The atmosphere of each day was dependent upon the mood of Donald John Trump, when he was in Washington. Several aides reported a confusing and unpleasant relationship with daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner. No one quite understood their function: why they were granted significance when their purpose was never defined. IS HIS FAMILY DISOWNING HIM? ARE THEY DISTANCING THEMSELVES FROM THEIR FAMILY’S NAZI HERITAGE? Although it’s true that Trump’s eldest two sons support his campaign for the White House, it is somewhat surprising that his favorite child, daughter Ivanka, and her husband, Jared Kushner, are missing in action. “Tweedle Dumb” and “Tweedle Dee” have no choice. They have accomplished nothing in their pitiful lives, even less than their father. They are entirely dependent on him for their v...

Why is the Mainstream Media Hiding the Truth About Trump and Putin?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The year was 1987. A 41-year-old Donald Trump, and his wife, Ivana, were invited to Moscow by the KGB. They accepted. Vladimir Putin began his career with the KGB in 1975. He reached a position of power in the spy agency in the late 1980’s, resigning in 1991 to achieve his political ambitions. Although there is no record of the events which occurred in 1987, it is fair to say that it was during this visit to Moscow when Trump and Putin began a relationship. However, while campaigning in 2016, Trump lied, saying, “I never met the man.” During the 2016 campaign, a dossier composed by former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, was released. The subject was Trump’s visit to Moscow in 2013. As part owner of the Miss Universe Pageant, Trump participated in a number of events over the three days. The document contains allegations about how Putin and Trump completed plans to steal the 2016 election during those few days. In October of 2016, a meeting in the Oval...

“It’s the Economy, Stupid”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Beginning with Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956, I followed presidential elections: not in an objective way when I was 10-years-old. However, after graduating from high school in 1964, I began to look more closely at the political process. In just three years I would be able to vote, and I took both the privilege and responsibility seriously. I enlisted in the USAF in September of 1964, and it was shortly after that when the Vietnam war escalated. Soon the number of body bags began to grow. I asked questions like why, who, and how long. There were no answers, and none remain to this day, with the exception of how long. I was one of the lucky ones. The military draft would not end until 1973, and I was not forced into an illegal and controversial war. TIME AND OBSERVATION ARE GOOD TEACHERS I was motivated. I had been a freshman in high school when President John F. Kennedy was elected, and a senior when he was murdered. This led to my becoming a political junkie. I b...

Once Again, the Media Displays its Support for the Right Wing

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Regardless of which major news network you watch or read, you are being lied to. The mainstream media fails to offer their viewers and readers the complete truth about anything political since 2016. It has been obvious over the last eight years that millionaires and billionaires stick together. It doesn’t matter to those reporting the news on television that all right-wing politicians have become the enemies of the majority. These professional politicians, (pardon the foul language), are millionaires and billionaires, and they are a small but powerful club which shares a common goal: more money. THE PLUTOCRACY GROWS In 2024 there are more than 22 million millionaires and 813 billionaires in America. These numbers increased over the pandemic. How? In America, money is king and the men and women who compose the working class are considered peasants. Unlike Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow, David Brinkley, and others who were paid working man’s wages for their rep...

Why and How the Mainstream Media Became the Enemy of Free Speech and the Truth

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you have ever read more than one of my rants, you know that I consider the mainstream media the enemy of the people. The “Fourth Estate” is protected by the First Amendment. However, today it no longer exists. The press was protected because its purpose was to expose government corruption. Today’s fake journalists are in collusion with Washington politicians. Several years ago, I had a source who asked to remain anonymous. He told me that the former free press was now under the control of Washington politicians. In the 21 st century, if a journalist wants the full story about any situation, he or she must omit certain facts harmful to the careers of elected officials. If he or she refuses to comply, all of their sources will cease to exist. ALL CRIMINALS MUST BE PUNISHED, WITHOUT EXCEPTION Here is the headline from Newsweek today. [Donald Trump's Conviction Was Expected to Sink Him in the Polls. It Hasn't] This title is extremely misleading. It gives...

Once Again, the Mainstream Media is Hiding the Truth from the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If the former Fourth Estate was performing as intended, President Biden’s approval rating would be in the 60’s or higher. Our nation’s economy is better than it has been since 2001. The United States once again has the strongest economy in the world as it did prior to the George W. Bush administration. Three Democratic Presidents, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden, rescued our nation from the fiscal incompetence of Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. Over the last 43 years Republicans offered irrefutable facts that they are incapable of governing 330 million people. They continue to serve special interests while ignoring the needs and wishes of 95 percent of our nation’s people. The Best of the Best Clinton left office in 2001. For the first time in decades our nation’s treasury registered a surplus; completely out of debt. Obama left office in 2017. He repaired the damage caused by Bush 43’s failed fiscal policy of “trickl...

How the Mainstream Media Colludes with the “Republican Party”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Mainstream Media greatly profits from Republican control over our federal government. Sensationalism results in increased viewership, which in turn increases advertising revenue. This is why they support Republicans, and refuse to report the irrefutable fact that Joe Biden is the best president in America since Bill Clinton. No one has accomplished more for the American people than Mr. Biden over the last 24 years. The economy is booming. In spite of a Republican led House, which continues to fail and refuse to perform the jobs for which they were elected, and respect from other nations has returned. The most important fact is that unlike the period between 2017 and 2021, our country is doing the right thing and moving in the right direction. I admit that in 2020 I was not Mr. Biden’s biggest fan. However, I am happy to say that he has exceeded all my expectations. Let’s go back to that dark day in June of 2015 when Trump announced his intention to win the R...

Who is Really to Blame for the Disaster Known as Donald John Trump?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There are irrefutable facts that Trump’s illegitimate victory on November 8, 2016 was aided by Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media. However, recent investigations into the 2016 campaign and the ensuing election reveal a much deeper responsibility supported by our nation’s major print and internet news sources. They failed their most important responsibilities, and why they are protected by the First Amendment: to expose corruption in our government and report the truth to the American people. This is exceptionally important during the years when our nation’s leader is elected. We learned in 2017 that throughout the 2016 campaign season the mainstream media gave Trump five times more coverage than all other candidates combined. However, he was seldom criticized for his many, many lies or the fact that he and his camp rarely discussed the issues facing our nation. Nor did they stress the fact that he was clearly a white supremacist, a bigot...

No One, not Democrats or Republicans, Have any Faith or Trust in Washington Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Several members of my family who have supported a more conservative agenda throughout their lifetime, no longer trust either political party in Washington. Although I remain an Independent, I find it impossible to support any man or woman in Washington who claims to be a Republican. The Party of Lincoln met its final demise in January of 2017. The truth is that I no longer have faith in any politician in Washington. The very fact that both political parties allowed a man who hates America to become our 45 th president is unforgivable. This was final proof that politicians protect each other, the people must fend for themselves. Crime in every form exists on Capitol Hill. Corruption is rampant and we continue to experience a dysfunctional government. Let me give you a small example which is actually a “big deal.” When a Fisher Price product began killing dozens of babies, it went unreported by our government. They were aware of the danger. However, a stipu...

How the Media Colluded in Both the Demise of the GOP and the Fourth Estate

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   As a very young man I watched the evening news on television in the 1950’s and 60’s. Long before the time when satellites were launched giving everyone the ability to see and hear events around the world as they happen, one half hour of news on our local network kept us informed of important events happening around the globe. Legendary newsmen with names like Cronkite, Murrow, and Chancellor offered their viewers information without opinion or inuendo, allowing watchers an opportunity to assess the information for themselves. There are no “news” shows remaining. “Television news” offers entertainment with a few facts thrown in occasionally. Here are some of the headlines on Google’s first page this morning, August 20, 2023. ‘I could sell golf’: How DeSantis and aides courted lobbyists for campaign cash Donald Trump's campaign lashes out at Ron DeSantis after he calls some supporters 'listless vessels' CBS News poll finds Trump's b...

If You Feel a Loss of Mental Acuity, You Must be Watching Television News

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I was much younger, I was an admirer of Edward R. Murrow, John Chancellor, Walter Cronkite, and other men who were respected and honest reporters. These men were legitimate journalists who offered the facts without inuendo, without personal opinion, or any intent related to financial gain. Today’s pretend journalists are paid millions of dollars and are required to report what television executives instruct them to tell their viewers. Like Fox News, all network broadcasts are more concerned about advertising revenue than the truth. I followed the 2016 campaign with a combination of fascination and fear. After the most disgusting and embarrassing primary season in history, our country was left with two options. Hillary Clinton was undeniably the most qualified presidential candidate in history. She remains a lifelong public servant who will be remembered by historians as a woman who worked to improve the lives of all Americans. Her opp...