If the Republican Party Existed Today, Liz Cheney Would be Their Nominee for the Presidency in 2024

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I do not agree with the former Representative from Wyoming, Liz Cheney, most of the time, and I have no respect for her father. However, she is a true Republican, which is extremely rare in Washington today, and I respect her for her beliefs. She not only denounces Trump for his fascist policies, she was one of only two Republicans on the committee which investigated the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. He party, the Party of Lincoln, and her country are of more value than the needs of Donald Trump to be relevant and of importance to other white supremacists. ON JANUARY 20, 2017, 90 PERCENT OF ALL MEN AND WOMEN WHO CALLED THEMSELVES REPUBLICANS SURRENDERED TO AMERICA’S BIGGEST TRAITOR Donald Trump never was a “Republican.” He was a Democrat until he met with Vladimir Putin in 2013 in Moscow. It was then that Trump and his handler finalized plans to rig the 2016 election and take control of America’s government. America needs the former Grand Old Party. Its val...