Trump Seeking the Power of Hitler

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It was a true “blitzkrieg.” In 1930’s Germany, Adolf Hitler amassed power at a furious pace. He alone controlled everything happening around him. By the mid-1930’s no one dared disagree with the man who would become the world’s greatest tyrant. If this sounds familiar, you are paying attention. Donald Trump has taken complete control of the fake Republican Party, but he hasn’t stopped there. FOX News has been the right-wing extremist’s propaganda machine for decades, but now they are not alone. Today there are other “fake news” broadcasts: TvOne, Newsmax TV, TV Jovem Pan News, and One America News Network. In print news the Wall Street Journal, the New York Post and other misleading newspapers spread lies and conspiracy theories attempting to protect their Fuhrer. Trump recently forbid all “Republicans” from exercising free thought. He demanded unfettered loyalty and unity. His most recent action was to hire a lawyer whose sole purpose is to ensure...