
Showing posts with the label Traitors

What’s Wrong With the Democratic Party?

Once again, this is where I tell you how incompetent and corrupt the mainstream media has become. However, for once I am not focused on how all major networks protect Trump and his party. No. This time my displeasure is focused on Democrats. It seems unrealistic that Kamala Harris could have lost to not only the worst candidate in history, but the worst person on the face of the earth. You have probably read or heard this many times: “What happened to the Democratic Party in 2024?” If the media had been truthful beginning in 2009, the American people would have refused to vote for a single Republican since the 2012 election. Democratic presidents have been the best guardians of our nation since Bill Clinton. They have accomplished 100 times more positive achievements than all Republicans combined since Reagan. However, all television media, the Washington Post and other major newspapers, learned a lesson from FOX News: sensationalism increases viewership, and increased viewership relat...

What’s Missing from Today’s Fake Republican Party? Dignity, Self-Respect, and Patriotism

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you call yourself a Republican, and surrende red to Donald Trump in 2017, you also gave away your dignity, self-respect, and proved you are not a patriotic American. You have pledged your fealty to a traitor whose primary objective is to end democracy in America and replace it with a fascist regime.   If you are Kristi Noem, Elise Stefanik, Tim Scott, or Marco Rubio, you are an embarrassment to yourself, real Republicans of the past, and the United States of A merica . You are betraying yo ur coun try and abandonin g your oath of office hoping that you will be the running mate of the worst illegitimate president in American history. You are sad an d pitiful because you are the reason the American people hate professional politicians. You have made those two words the most disgusting and hated profession in our nation’s history.   TODAY, I AM EMBARRASSED TO BE AN AMERICAN   I once had some respect for both major political p...

Is it Mandatory to be Stupid when Choosing Politics as a Profession?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart After reading comments made by several politicians this week, including the gibberish from Trump, I am convinced that one of the prime attributes needed to become a professional politician is abject stupidity. Much has been made of South Dakota,s big mistake, Kristi Noem, and it is definitely justified. Bragging about killing a puppy, a goat, and three horses is ludicrous. Just as brazen and dishonest is claiming to have met a world leader you never came in contact with. However, since 2015 I have read many moronic statements than I ever believed possible. Take a look at these quotes. All of them took place in the month of December, 2015. Each of them came from a man or woman calling themselves a “Republican.” LIKE THEIR FUHRER, THEY MAKE NO SENSE "When a physician removes a child from a woman, that is the largest organ in a body. That's a big thing. That's a big surgery. You don't have any other organs in your body that are bigger t...

U.S. Government Officials Who are Loyal to Trump and Putin

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The Freedom Caucus, Moscow Mitch McConnell, and several right-wing Senators: these are some of our nation’s elected officials who are traitors to their nation and loyal to Trump and Putin, not to the American people. Trump is not real. What you see is a façade. He never was our country’s president. He never was a successful businessman. He is not an American. Donald John Trump is an opportunist: a con man who has become a cult leader, not unlike Jim Jones or David Koresh. The story of his life reveals a life of crime and immoral behavior not seen before other than in movies. LET’S RETURN TO THE 2016 CAMPAIGN: THE BEGINNING OF AMERICA’S DISGRACE AND SHAME The 2016 campaign season began very early. Ted Cruz, who had been a senator for only two years, with a single accomplishment, shutting down the government, announced his intention to win the Republican presidential nomination on March 23, 2015, at Liberty University. The University staff announced that attending...

Trump has no Power, so Why Do They Fear Him, Why are They so Cowardly?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Recently MAGA Republicans backed away from a bill agreed to by President Biden, a bill they asked for many times. It would have virtually closed our nation’s southern border with Mexico. Their only reason for reversing their position 180 degrees were words from America’s worst former president. I am no fan of Ronna McDaniel However, her only reason for removing herself as the Republican leader in the RNC is Trump’s demand that she steps aside. His plan to replace her is founded on nepotism. His plan is to place forgotten son Eric’s wife in this powerful position. TRUMP IS A POWERLESS COWARD AND A BULLY I ask, “why are today’s fake Republicans afraid of Trump?” His only weapon is the hot air coming from his lips. He has no powers other than those surrendered by right-wing politicians and his fascist cult. Over the last nine years we watched two situations unfold. What began in 1981 came to fruition on January 20, 2017. With the inauguration of Donald John Trump c...

Too Crazy and Unbelievable for Me to Comprehend

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Our government is so f**ked up, I don’t have the time or patience to write about everything that is wrong with America today. Let me offer just a few of the moronic things that happened in the last couple of weeks, and tell me if our government can be repaired, and if our country can be saved.. Members of the House, Democrat and Republican, failed to expel George Santos from his position. He is a fraud, a charlatan, a habitual liar who is now hated by the people of New York who elected him. Today he is facing multiple charges of felony fraud. He is a poster boy for today’s fake Republicans. Nothing is real about the once Grand Old Party. The truth is, the Party of Lincoln took its last breath six years ago. My second story is serious, definitely not humorous. Republicans in the House chose a man to be the next Speaker who is not only unqualified, he is an election denier, and a religious freak. Mike Johnson is already the worst Speaker in American history....

How the Once Grand Old Party Devolved Into This…

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Jim Jordan, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Matt Gaetz: these are just a few of not only the worst legislators in American history, but the worst people ever to unjustly claim the title of “American.” How did this happen? How did our government become the most corrupt, incompetent, and uncaring in the world? Let’s stop lying to ourselves. This situation is our fault. These people were not ‘hired’ for their positions, they received enough votes to win elections. We, the voting public, are to blame for the fact that America has the worst government in the free world. Voters in Ohio, Georgia, Colorado, Florida, and other states simply chose to support anger, hatred, and support violence against minorities, Muslims, Jews, Hispanics, and all women rather than display any form of patriotism. These fake Republicans who call themselves the “Freedom Caucus,” have no interest in effectively governing our nation. They serve their masters; the plutocrats who a...

Trump Admits that He Hates America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I have written many times that Trump is not an American and therefore cannot become the President of the United States of America. Recently, he admitted that my allegation is indeed fact. The proof actually began on January 20, 2017, and was completed on January 6, 2021 when he ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. Recently, he admitted that he hates the America of our founding fathers and the Constitution signed by the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia at the closing in 1789. He told some members of his cult that he “wished he lived overseas.” Of course the only countries which would accept him are Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and Turkey. He is hated by nearly every person in any of the developed nations. I would love to see him leave our country permanently. From the day he was born, he was living in the Trump world, the Trump Klan. His daddy paid for everything from deferments...

What You Hear is the Republican Party Crumbling Into Dust

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   For once the “experts” were right. It has been a slow process, but the Republican Party is crumbling. Although its destruction began in 1981, Trump’s illegitimate presidency hurried its demise. Most of today’s fake Republicans remained loyal to the worst president in American history until he began his baseless claim of “massive fraud” in the 2020 election, and organized the failed coup on January 6, 2021 while remaining in office. With the 2024 campaign season in its beginnings, more right-wing politicians are abandoning Trump and his cult. Although this is undoubtedly a good thing, those who would replace him as their party’s leader are unfit for office and would be as bad or worse than Trump. In all of modern history, Republicans have proven themselves incapable of governing our nation. Reagan began our escalating national debt, Bush 41 continued his fiscal policy, Bush 43 also employed “trickle-down economics” and placed our nation in tw...