Since When Does “Just Doing Your Job” Include Treason?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Four indictments, more than 90 felony counts, no plausible defense, and a history of criminal activity, and the only defense offered by Trump and his co-conspirators is, “I was just doing my job.” Justice in America is not blind, not balanced. It favors the rich and powerful and at the same time punishes minorities, the poor, and anyone who might be considered less fortunate to the maximum allowed by law. Records prove that Trump’s final Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, was complicit in the planning and organization of the insurrection on January 6, 2021. He is one of the men who was indicted this week in Georgia for interfering in the results of our 2020 election. His only defense to date is, “I was just doing my job.” The indictment includes this desperate defense: Meadows asks for Georgia charges to shift to federal court, claiming he was doing his job. Aiding a coup is not your job, nor is following orders of a criminal wannabe dictator. ...