
Showing posts with the label Failure

Trump’s Firsts, and Hopefully Lasts

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is the first man to “accomplish” several things in America’s nearly 248 years. Hopefully, no one will be the second person to constantly violate the Constitution and embarrass our nation. Trump was the first person in his party to seek the Republican Party’s presidential nomination without experience in any form of government and no verifiable proof that he ever worked in any profession for a single day in 77 years. He was also the first alleged draft dodger to believe he could gain the support of right-wing voters who generally favor war over peace. Trump was the first presidential candidate to win a major party’s nomination without taking a position on a single issue. Trump won by lying to voters, and hurling personal attacks against his rivals. He failed to receive the support of 90 percent of his party’s leaders. THE ILLEGITIMATE ELECTION OF 2016 Trump was losing in the polls prior to November 8, 2016. However, our government received verified informat

Like “The Apprentice,” Donald Trump is a Fraud; the Biggest Con Ever Played on the American People

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I often write about how a single diversion, a subtle change, can alter the future of a life, a nation, or the world. One of the greatest disasters to happen to America, and the world was revealed today in an article written by Bill Pruitt for “the Slate.’ This is a story about “the Apprentice,” and its enormous efforts to remake Donald Trump into a respected and admired man. Mr. Pruitt was a producer for the first two years of “the Apprentice.” All employees were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement preventing the release of any information occurring when the cameras were turned off. Now, 20 years later, and with Trump in court for a crime involving an NDA, Mr. Pruitt is exposing the “Real Donald Trump.” CREATING A FAKE DONALD TRUMP The producers knew that if the show was to succeed, Trump would require a drastic makeover. Although he was well-known in New York as a slimy businessman, desperate to become important and relevant, this could not be the man v

I Could Never Vote for Anyone who is not as Intelligent as I am, or who Knows Less About Governing than I do

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart No one would ever accuse me of being a genius. I always had great grades in school, passed every test in the jobs I applied for easily, but I have known many people whose mental abilities are far superior to my own. I simply worked harder than most. Of all the presidents I voted for, beginning in 1968, there were only two I considered brilliant and impressed me with most of their decisions, their ability to speak to me honestly and eloquently, and displayed common sense most of the time. THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION One was the man who, although he was far from perfect, saved our nation’s economy from two former, destructive Republicans: William Jefferson Clinton. He entered office in 1993. When he left the White House in 2001, he had erased the huge national debt created by his Republican predecessors, and the national treasury had a surplus. PRESIDENT OBAMA TO THE RESCUE In 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama began the process of preventing a se

Trump Can be Addressed by Many Terms, but “Mr. President” is not One of Them

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump was never my president. He never deserved the title. An American president has multiple duties and responsibilities, none of which were performed by the orange buffoon. Trump refused to represent all Americans. As the leader of the white supremacy movement in America, he failed to recognize Black Americans as equals. He ignored low-income and poor Americans, choosing to serve the super-rich and members of Neo-Nazi organizations. He divided our nation’s people intentionally, and when our country needed a leader, he ignored the advancing coronavirus, and claimed “it will just go away.” Trump was the first man to lose his bid for reelection and refuse to   submit to a peaceful transfer of power. Instead, he lied about the results of the election and attempted to overturn the 2020 loss by planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup on January 6, 2021. The only “rigged” election in history was in 2016. Our government attempted to cove

How Incompetent is our Government in Washington? I give you DST

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Let me give you a simple but accurate example of how incompetent your government has become. Most of our nation’s people, about 80 percent, want to end the useless process of changing our clocks twice a year. Daylight Savings Time serves no purpose, is annoying, and even dangerous in several situations. For more than 40 years our nation’s people have expressed their support for ending this ludicrous process, and for more than 40 years our government has ignored us. Our government no longer serves our needs and wishes, it works for itself and the super-rich.   Sleep deprivation, a sudden change in the level of the sun, these are just two of the situations created by a sudden change of time. If there was a single reason why this process should continue, I have not read anything which is realistic.   Once again, this situation can be explained by three words, “follow the money.” States which rely on tourism, such as Florida are opposed to common sense. More d

Trump’s “People” Speaking Away from the Television Cameras

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is no doubt that the men and women who worked in the White House will tell the truth about their experiences working for the madman pretending to be your president between 2017 and 2021. However, some are beginning to leak sections of the insanity created by the malignant narcissist whose ego needs constant care. The most recent to come forward and talk about her feelings is Hope Hicks. [Trump advisor Hope Hicks texted another White House aide on Jan. 6, 2021: “We all look like domestic terrorists now.”] The term “domestic terrorist” did not begin with the Trump administration. However, he and his fascist gang defined it for four years. Thanks to Moscow Mitch McConnell’s refusal to give Trump a fair trial after two impeachments in the House offered proof that he and his Washington Mafia were indeed above the law. Today, even after acts of sedition and treason, he remains a free man. Over four years there were only two questions on the application to work

If You Feel a Loss of Mental Acuity, You Must be Watching Television News

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I was much younger, I was an admirer of Edward R. Murrow, John Chancellor, Walter Cronkite, and other men who were respected and honest reporters. These men were legitimate journalists who offered the facts without inuendo, without personal opinion, or any intent related to financial gain. Today’s pretend journalists are paid millions of dollars and are required to report what television executives instruct them to tell their viewers. Like Fox News, all network broadcasts are more concerned about advertising revenue than the truth. I followed the 2016 campaign with a combination of fascination and fear. After the most disgusting and embarrassing primary season in history, our country was left with two options. Hillary Clinton was undeniably the most qualified presidential candidate in history. She remains a lifelong public servant who will be remembered by historians as a woman who worked to improve the lives of all Americans. Her opponent, Do

In 2023 We Have “The United States of Corruption”

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is no government in the world of developed nations more corrupt than the one occupying seats in the Capitol Building of the United States of America. They are the primary reason why I am ashamed to be an American citizen in the 21 st century. Let me tell you a story. There was a man born in Brooklyn on June 14, 1946. He was the son of a moderately wealthy family which according to other family members offered little more than food and lodging for their new addition. It was not a home filled with love and support. In 1959, at the age of 13, the young man was removed from aloveless home and placed in a military-style boarding school. There was nothing remarkable about him, he was nothing more than another castoff from a wealthy family who chose to have someone else raise their child. After his tenure was complete, he was accepted by Fordham University. His father, a New York businessman, found this less than adequate, paid for a deferment allo

Moscow Mitch; the Final Cog in the Wheel Which Proves that the GOP is Over Forever

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   There is no longer a “Republican Party.” Those who call themselves “Republicans” today are without leadership, morals, or principles. Speaker McCarthy is a joke. He is loyal to Trump, not to his country, and is a huge embarrassment to the title of Speaker of the House. The “old man of the Senate, Moscow Mitch McConnell, has never accomplished anything for his country. His goal has always been “party first” throughout his seven, six-year terms in office. He literally “ramrodded” his agenda through the Senate, including the appointment of the last three biased and unfit Supreme Court Justices. In collusion with the Federalist Society, six Republican-biased justices struck down a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Supreme Court guaranteeing a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health related to the termination of an unwanted pregnancy. This was one of the darkest days in our nation’s 247 years, June 24, 2022. If the Cou