The Confusion About Religion in America is not Confusing

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Long before the Declaration of Independence in 1776, the new land, soon to become the United States of America, was a country based on confusion about religious affiliation and divided about its future. Eventually, our nation’s leaders decided that the term “religious freedom” would protect the right for all of its citizens to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. This was confirmed and protected in the first sentence of the First Amendment. Using Religion as a Weapon However, desperation within the right-wing of our political system has resulted in another form of extremism: religious bigotry. The Christian Religious Right controls the votes of all men and women who call themselves “Republicans.” As the right-wing’s base continues to diminish, they find it necessary to pander to anyone who will support their unpopular agenda. Real Christians Believe in the Teachings of Jesus Christ Let me offer you a bit of honesty. Evangelical lea...