Will American Voters Elect a Fascist in 2024?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is an undeniable fact that Trump and his MAGA Party are fascists who would end Democracy in our nation forever. Is it possible that the foundation of America, democracy for all, could become nothing but a memory in 2024? The answer is “yes.” If Trump is elected on November 5 th , the current Second Civil War will become bloody and may result in a greater number of casualties than the first. Real, patriotic Americans will never accept Trump as our president. Between 2017 and 2021 he intentionally divided our nation and moved America backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century. Instead of working to improve the quality of life for all Americans, Trump, under the direction of Vladimir Putin, sought the end of our nation with the shredding of the Constitution. The most popular topic in 2024 is the undeniable fact that the American people will be faced with an unwanted decision in November. Our choice will be between tow old, white men who nobo...