
Showing posts with the label Senility

Once Again, Trump’s Own Words Will Defeat Him

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Saturday Trump made a promise to his cult while rambling in Ohio. After praising the traitors who attempted to overthrow our government on January 6, 2021, he actually called them, “unbelievable patriots.”   He continued and made a dangerous promise to his ignorant supporters, claiming that if he loses the election, there will be a “bloodbath” across America. Many Americans took this statement as a threat. Trump obviously wants to plan, organize and execute a repeat of January 6.   “How Stupid is He?”   President Biden’s campaign wasted no time using Trump’s vile words against him in a new ad.   "The Trump campaign can try to spin all they want, but the context is clear: their candidate has spent every moment since his first campaign encouraging and excusing political violence. Repeatedly," said Biden campaign spokesperson Sarafina Chitika.   "It's not a bug, it's a feature of Donald Trump's extremism. We take Trump at his word

Why Trump Hates You

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Appearing on CNBC, Donald Trump displayed his lack of political acumen. It is once again clear that he possesses a low level of intelligence. He announced his support for cuts in Social Security and Medicare. This would obviously affect millions of Americans who continue their struggle for survival in what politicians call “the richest country in the world.” If you are a working man or woman, this was your laugh for the day. I’m sure President Biden will send him a “thank you” note. In an election year, this was a huge mistake. TRUMP HATES THE WORKING CLASS Mar-a-Lago is a perfect example of the people Trump supports. He has no interest in all Americans. Although the orange buffoon prefers billionaires, he will accept millionaires whose income records eight digits. His rallies include a number of “average Americans.” However, he panders to them for a single reason: he is desperate for their votes. He showed us who he was between 2017 and 2021. His only accomplis

It’s Obvious to Me, but the Media Refuses to Talk About Trump and Dementia

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It doesn’t require a medical professional to come to the conclusion that Trump is in the middle stages of dementia. He misspeaks constantly, can’t remember events, names, or what city he is in. Although he and I are just three weeks apart in age, my mind is much sharper than the obese, old man who wants to defile the White House once again. AGE IS A REALITY AND SOME AGE MORE QUICLY THAN OTHERS A 77, I cannot deny that age makes a difference. I have difficulty standing in one place, my eyesight is weakening, and I find other physical discomfort I choose not to discuss. However, I read. I am constantly looking for information. I have retained my comprehension and my awareness. Trump has become a rambling idiot. THE FOURTH ESTATE NO LONGER EXISTS In the 21 st century the truth does not exist on television. Most of the media is more concerned with profits and continued existence rather than the absolute truth. Television networks, both national and cable, continue

Moscow Mitch McConnell’s Time is Over

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   While speaking with reporters in Kentucky Wednesday, Moscow Mitch McConnell appeared to ‘freeze’ once again. He remained silent for about 30 seconds. Photos from the event appear to reveal Moscow Mitch as a very frail 81-year-old man. Questions about his health began some time ago when he displayed what appeared to be a purple discoloration on his hands, arms, and face. Recently, questions about his mental acuity have risen. Our government has a serious problem with age, created by the refusal from congress to establish term limits for itself. 19 of our nation’s 535 lawmakers are 80 or older. 54 of our country’s 100 Senators are over 65. The average age of all members of the House and Senate is 64. I strongly oppose agism: I am 77 years old. However, I find it unreasonable that our nation, whose average age is 38.2 years of age, is governed by men and women who should be at home in their rocking chairs with their grandchildren or great grandchildren sitting on