
Showing posts with the label Common sense

Putin Stole Two Elections, and Your Corrupt Government is Hiding the Truth

Our government is a combination of two words which should never be used for men and women who control the future of America: incompetent and corrupt. I know it and they know it. After Putin stole the 2016 and 2024 elections for Trump, they not only ignored the truth, they hid it, fearing that all of our nation’s people would know the truth about their inability to accomplish anything. The mainstream media colluded with these failed elected men and women, and they are responsible for destroying the essence of the United States of America. In 2016, Russian agents spent millions of dollars on social media attacking Hillary Clinton. It was effective. A lower than expected turnout in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin allowed Trump to win the Electoral College, although he was crushed in the popular vote, the only vote which should decide the future of 340 million people. Okay, everyone who reads, refusing to “learn everything they need to know from television, is aware of the previous f...


I underestimated President Joe Biden. He is in my top five list of our nation’s greatest presidents. (I have to take a closer look at that sentence; I’m not sure that out of 47 presidents, five of them could be considered “great.”) Unlike any of his predecessors, he displayed the courage to simply “do the right thing.” First, he pardoned his son who was convicted of crimes which are seldom prosecuted. Right-wing politicians conducted a real “witch hunt” into Hunter Biden for years, and I commend a father, who happens to be our President, for his actions. Second, yesterday the President acted with admirable compassion and common sense. “President Joe Biden is commuting the sentences of roughly 1,500 people who were released from prison and placed on home confinement during the coronavirus pandemic and is pardoning 39 Americans convicted of nonviolent crimes. It’s the largest single-day act of clemency in modern history.” Add to this part of the story the irrefutable fact that the media ...

What is “Trickle-Down Economics,” and Does it Work?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1981 Ronald Reagan created a fiscal polity he titled, “Supply Side Economics.” It quickly became known as “Trickle-Down Economics.” His eight years in office were dominated by high unemployment rates and huge increases in the national debt. Unfortunately, his three Republican successors failed to learn from his mistakes and used the same policy. The result was, in 1992, Bill Clinton rescued Reagan and George H.W. Bush: In 2008, Barack Obama saved our economy from the failures of George W. Bush: and in 2020, Joe Biden prevented another Great Depression after the disastrous incompetence of Donald John Trump. WHAT IS “TRICKLE-DOWN ECONOMICS” The simplest definition of “trickle-down economics” is that it is based on an illusion. Republicans continue to offer a baseless claim that if the wealthiest Americans receive tax cuts and thrive, jobs will be created, and the overall economy will grow exponentially. Experience proves this theory is invalid beyond a reasonab...

If Our Government Cannot End the Stupidity of Daylight Savings Time, Can it do Anything Right?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This will be a short article because it’s about common sense, something missing in Washington. I have heard a few politicians attempt to explain why the United States continues the archaic and senseless policy of altering time every six months. It’s called “daylight savings time.” They failed. This process began a long time ago, on March 31, 1918. It is commonly believed that the reason for DST was to give more daylight hours to farmers during the growing and harvest seasons. However, farmers were opposed to the bill. It appears that congress was supporting the tourism and recreation-based industries. In 1970, DST was extended and became permanent. A probable energy crisis encouraged congress to consider the measure, and it was agreed to by both parties. However, in case congress hasn’t noticed, this is 2024, and one of the situations of the past exist today. The energy industry has new and viable sources of creating electrical power: green energy. There are no ...

Calling Out the Six Members of the Supreme Court Owned by Special Interests and Fascist Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Yesterday, June 14, 2024, irrefutable proof was offered to the American people that six members of the Supreme Court are completely unqualified to serve on the highest court in the land. They are idiots who lack sufficient intelligence and common sense to make any decisions affecting the American people. Remember their names: John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett. THE MASSACRE IN SIN CITY On October 1, 2017, one man checked into a hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. He had several pieces of luggage, and asked for a room facing the area where a concert was about to begin.   In his bags were 12 assault rifles, thousands of rounds of ammunition, and several attachments known as “bump stocks.” The latter converts semi-automatic weapons into automatic killing machines. While hundreds of men and women were enjoying the music, this lone gunman opened fire. When the massacre ended, 58 innocent people were dead, and...

If You are a Republican who Supports Trump, I Doubt that You Possess Common Sense

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I assume that if you support Trump you continue to live in 1950’s America, or you would prefer to. However, the current date shows us that we are nearly one quarter through the 21 st century, and if we haven’t moved on from our nation’s dark, warlike, and prejudiced past, we are doomed and will not survive another 25 years. Case in point: the Second Amendment should be revoked or at the very least rewritten. In its present form it remains ambiguous, and extremely difficult to place in terms which make sense in the 21 st century. What is perfectly clear is nowhere in the short and controversial amendment is there a definition of what type of weapons can be legally possessed by ordinary citizens. For example. The Supreme Court is considering whether or not “bump stocks” are protected by the Constitution. I am certainly not a Constitutional scholar. However, a simple understanding of the situation in 1789 when the Constitution was completed and signed by our Foun...

No one in Washington Cares, so Why was This Story Reported?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart FBI Director Christopher Wray: “The greatest danger to the American people is domestic terrorism.” Director Wray informed Congress of this fact months ago, but not one of the right-wing legislators paid attention. Gun violence remains the greatest and fastest growing danger to every citizen in our nation, and the right wing continues to do nothing but offer “thoughts and prayers.” I know that the NRA gun lobby is one of the owners of those who call themselves “Republicans” today. However, they were elected to serve the needs and wishes of all Americans, and if putting an end to the growing problem of gun violence is not a priority, they have no purpose. The latest of this year’s mass shootings, which far outnumber the days on the calendar, was in Kansas City as the city celebrated the victory of the Kansas City Chiefs in Super Bowl LVIII. One person was killed and 22 injured. The average age of the victims was under the age of 16. There was no need to report thi...

Prediction: If Nikki Haley is the Republican Nominee, and Biden is her Opponent, America Will Have its First Woman President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I cannot find any way to rationalize voting for old white men who will be 81 and 78 on November 5, 2024. The reasons are many, it’s just common sense. The average American is 38.2 years of age. Our nation is only 247 years old, and we have a lot to learn, including the mistakes in our past. Nikki Haley will be 52 on election day 2024. If Republicans get their heads out of their a**es, and realize that Trump is not an American and should never be elected to any office by nominating the former Governor of South Carolina, America will have its first woman president if Democrats nominate Biden. It's no secret that in 2020 Mr. Biden’s victory must be credited to the fact that Democrats and Independents were more interested in removing Trump from the White House than supporting Joe Biden. Voter turnout frequently decides the outcome of our presidential elections. 2020 set a record, based on my previous allegation. Trump continues to deny the fact that he was pum...