
Showing posts with the label Government Waste

Let’s Track Your Lazy and Expensive Dictator

Your obese old pretend president is working as hard as he did in his first term. He is spending taxpayer money to chase a little, round ball through the grass. He’s not keeping his biggest promise, to end inflation, he is living the life of a billionaire using your money. Although Musk and his fake agency, DOGE, are ignoring the truth, Trump has already wasted 10.7 million dollars golfing in 2025. Nine out of 30 days have been spent wasting time like most very old, fat, white men who are or should be retired. More hypocrisy about claims to reduce government spending can be found in the expense of traveling to and from Mar-a-Lago. Trump only lives part-time in the White House. Adding up all expenses beginning with Air Force One at $200,000 per hour, the cost of each trip to his millionaire’s playpen is $3,383,250. Your Nazi president is the most expensive in history. What did you expect. Wealth and white privilege allowed him to avoid working one full day in his pitiful 78 years on this...

Six Million Dollars Wasted Every Month

Over the last 29 days Musk and his staff composed of babies in training pants have destroyed agencies necessary to maintain America’s place in the world under the lie; “eliminating government waste.” Let’s go back eight years. When Trump was your illegitimate president between 2017 and 2021, Trump wasted at least six million dollars every month on personal expenses. Trump traveled to and from Mar-a-Lago nearly every week. He held hate rallies about once every month, he played golf at his millionaires resorts at least once every week. Among other costs, operating Air Force One costs more than $200,000 per hour. Musk’s fictitious DOGE is making no effort to curtail Trump’s life of opulence and waste at taxpayer expense. The fact is, Musk is a huge part of the problem. In my experience, I find most billionaires to be ignorant. Their only concern is how to increase their already outrageous wealth. Greed limits a man’s ability to think clearly. Trump’s entire existence is one big con. Unfor...

How Can You and I Stop our Incompetent Government From Wasting most of our Tax Dollars?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s talk about tax revenue, and how our government wastes more than 50 cents of every dollar. Let’s talk about the fact that our nation’s richest citizens and largest corporations pay little or no taxes thanks to a tax code which is 6,871 pages long. 99 percent of those pages are ways in which the super-rich can avoid paying their fair share. The national debt in 2024 is estimated to be $34.59 trillion dollars. However, Trump and his party of cowards and hypocrites continue to propose additional tax cuts for less than one percent of the American people, who just happen to donate to their campaigns. I ADD ONE ISSUE WHICH CLEARLY DISPLAYS THE INCOMPETENCE OF OUR GOVERNMENT Each year our government passes a budget for the upcoming fiscal year. However, there exists a situation unique to our failed system. America has a “debt ceiling.” It is of no concern that the amount of money to be spent in the upcoming year was agreed to, this is a separate situation, and eac...

Protests Are Very American, Unlike the Lies and Whining from FOX News and Other Right-Wing Propaganda Machine

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Just once more, at least for today, read the First Amendment carefully and take special note of the last line. [ Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances .] In July, our nation will celebrate 248 years since the Declaration of Independence began the creation of the United States of America. There have been occasions when our overpaid government has accomplished great things. However, most changes which benefit all Americans were the result of demands from the people. From labor protests to the demands of younger Americans to end the illegal war in South Vietnam, to the peaceful marches led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., which were followed by recent Black Lives Matter protests against police brutality against minorities, ...

The Most Expensive Military in the World Lost Every War Since WWII

Op -ed by TheWiseOldFart   Most Americans Continue to Struggle   I begin with a serious question: when will the quality of life for all Americans become the focus of our nation’s government? I am an original baby boomer. I learned at a very young age that the end of WWII was the beginning of the next military conflict for America. As long as I can remember, our government and its military have been preparing for the next war.   America has Never Prepared for Peace   The truth is that in 2024, the American people pay the least amount of tax in the world of developed nations. Many of our wealthiest citizens and largest corporations pay zero dollars in taxes, or a very minimal percentage of their gross income s . The truth is that the United States tax code is 6,871 pages long. Most of those pages are “loopholes” for the super-rich, allowing them to reduce their tax liability.   The United States Spends Five Times More on its Military than All Other Nations ...