
Showing posts with the label Supreme Court

This Supreme Court Did Something Right

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is no secret that I have been a frequent critic of the Supreme Court since 2020. I have good reason and a huge responsibility to criticize it for its corruption and political bias. However, when it does the right thing, I also have a responsibility to praise them for their actions. Thanks to a poorly written Second Amendment, which is ambiguous and lacks definition, the NRA gun lobby, paid for by gun manufacturers and gun sellers, has used this one amendment to the Bill of Rights for their own benefit. Gun violence began to escalate in America in 1976, the same year the NRA ceased its purpose as a gun safety organization, and aligned itself with the corporate world. The most recent statistic I found was from 2022. In that one year, 48,117 men, women, and children lost their lives from the use of a gun. Firearm suicide: 26,993 people. Firearm homicide: 19,592 people. Unintentional gun injury: 472 people. Fatal shooting by law enforcement: 649 people.

Contenders for the Worst Supreme Court Justice in History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The government of the United States of America is the most corrupt, and the least effective in the free world in 2024 . The one branch of government which gave me some hope was the Supreme Court, until 2020.   Today’s Court is stacked 6-3 in favor of the former Republican Party. On one of the darkest days in our na ti on’s history, five men and one woman removed a guarantee to all women that they could legally make decisions about their own mental and phy sical health, and their future. On June 24, 2022, these cowardly, anti-Americans repeal ed a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court known as Roe v Wade.   I FIND NO REDEEMING QUALITIES IN THESE REPUBLICAN PUPPETS   The first time I watched Senate hearings for the purpose of confirming a Supreme Court justice was in 1991.   The first Black justice, Thurgood Marshall, retired, and George H.W. Bu sh nominated another Black man to fill his seat , Clarence Thomas.   The hearings became highly animated and

Without the Electoral College, Republicans Would Never Win the Presidency again.

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Fact: if the Electoral College, a rule which allows the states to choose our president, preventing the will of the people, and preventing the promise of “every vote must count,” did not exist, not a single Republican would have defiled our White House since 1993. There Can Be no Argument: The People Should Choose Who Leads Them Our Founding Fathers believed that presidents must be chosen by the people. However, smaller, less populated states whined about “representation,” and the Electoral College was created, ending another right of the people, and the inevitable creation of “red and blue states.” From 1992 through 2020, Democrats have won the popular vote, with a single exception. After 9/11 and the reelection bid of George W. Bush in 2004, John Kerry lost the Electoral College by three million votes, 62,028,285 to 59,028,109. However, like 2000, the 2004 election was controversial. A plethora of false information about John Kerry flooded the airways

How the Supreme Court and Moscow Mitch McConnell Earned our Disrespect

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I must admit here that this story is more about the status of women in America than how corrupt our Supreme Court has become thanks to Moscow Mitch McConnell and the Federalist Society. However, they are forever intertwined , a nd will likely be so for years to come.   Mistakes Were Made   I have watched multiple Supreme Court hearings held for the purpose of confirming or denying confirmation for Justices nominated by our president. I firmly believe that five of the current justices should never have been confirmed by the Senate. These justices were allowed to receive lifetime appointments because of the political affiliation, not for their judicial expertise .   The hearings I remember most happened in 1991 and 2018. Unfortunately, I remain more disappointed with the mostly white, old senators who entirely discounted the testimony of two courageous women in support of the male nominees.   Anita Hill vs Clarence Thomas   In 1991 President George H. W. Bush n