
Showing posts with the label Supreme Court

Six Traitors and How They Created Fascism 101

  I realized something a few days ago. My stories about the worst president in history and his evil twin contain only villains: there are no heroes. The greatest villains are undoubtedly six corrupted members of the Supreme Court. Without their unconstitutional decisions, one of which gave Trump complete immunity, I would have nothing to write about. For the last 30 days Trump has violated the Constitution several times each day. His executive orders are not accomplishments, they are destroying the successes of his predecessors over the last 60-70 years. Executive orders were not designed to override laws passed by the legislative branch, or to create new laws designed to increase the power of our presidents. Our Founding Fathers created a system of government which gave the least power to our presidents. Their greatest fear is happening in 2025. Trump has become a dictator, a wannabe Fuhrer. Once again, six members of the corrupted and biased Supreme Court have chosen to void the ...

One Thing Our Government Will Never Do

Everyone who claims to “work” in Washington is useless, corrupt, and a waste of taxpayer money. However, there is a single thing we can always count on from these cowards: they will never “do the right thing.” Let me use two examples of how I learned that the government of the United States of America would be overpaid if they worked for nothing. One month before the 2016 election, a meeting was held in the White House. The meeting came at the request of the leaders of all 18 security agencies. In attendance were President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Moscow Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. The purpose of the meeting was to confirm the fact to our nation’s leaders that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our upcoming election in support of Donald Trump. However, our gutless leaders decided that the voting public had no right to learn the truth. The result was Trump becoming our 45 th and illegitimate president. Our government has ignored the fact that they ar...

What Can You Do When The Supreme Court Becomes The Enemy Of The People?

Five men and one woman. This gang of six are all biased in support of right-wing extremists who dominate today’s Republican Party in name only and serve Trump, ignoring the needs of the average American. John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett are corrupt Supreme Court justices who control your life. How do we fight against this gang of six and save our country for posterity? The sad truth is, we can do absolutely nothing. Of all the mistakes made by our Founding Fathers, one surpasses all others. The damage caused by not placing term limits on all three branches of government is the primary reason our government is now the most corrupt and incompetent in the world. The intentions of our Founding Fathers when they created the judicial branch of our government were admirable. However, they were obviously naïve. They underestimated the vices of greed and ambition possessed by all mankind. I believe that given the opportunity most ...

John Roberts Does not Deserve America’s Respect or Trust: He Does Deserve our Middle Fingers

It is an irrefutable fact that the current Supreme Court is corrupt. Six of the justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, are biased towards right-wing extremism, and five are loyal to Trump. Not one of the six right-wing supporting justices is performing the jobs defined by the Constitution when they were sworn into office. When they committed the ultimate betrayal of their only purpose on one of the darkest days in American history, June 24, 2022, by repealing a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Supreme Court, Roe v Wade, they prove that they are the most corrupt and unprincipled Court in history. Roberts is obviously ashamed of himself and his five corrupt associates. He also appears to be frightened, aware that our nation has become the most violent in the nation thanks to Trump and his fake Republican Party. No longer is violent reaction exclusive to the right-wing extremists who are loyal to Trump and his fascist policies. “There is of course no place for violence di...

Gaetz is a Huge Creep: (Who Would Have Thought It?)

The House reneged on its past policies and decided not to hide the ethics investigation into Matt Gaetz actions, claiming “for reasons of national security.” He is far worse than anyone would have believed. His drug use is far more pervasive than we were led to believe. He spent huge amounts of money paying for sex. Not only did he frequently have sex with young, underage women, he transported some across state lines. One more thing which confirms the idiocy of the people of Florida. They elected and reelected the criminal. In January, with their “Don” returning to the White House, the Washington Mafia will be intact. Never, never forget that your “stable genius” president nominated a man without morals and principles for the office of our country’s top law enforcement officer. The big question is the same question real Americans ask about Donald Trump: why are they not in a federal holding cell awaiting trial for their many crimes. I know of cases where law enforcement uses the slimme...

To Our Founding Fathers, I Just Want to Say, “Nice Try”

The mistakes our Founding Fathers made at the end of the Constitutional Convention in 1789 are more numerous than you might believe. However, all of their errors can be credited to their naivete. They wrongfully assumed future leaders would possess the same integrity, dignity, principles, and morals which they shared. They failed to understand the weakness of most men and their desire for wealth and power at the expense of the people they were elected to represent and serve. Loud and angry debates were commonplace between the most and least populated regions and states. Hindsight is of no value, but it does reveal much of what has happened in Washington as our country entered the 21 st century, as a result of decisions made to appease smaller states. What is wrong with America’s political system? The number is high, but a few changes would have given the democratic republic more power to prevent corruption. First and foremost would have been term limits on all three branches. It is no...

Trump Owns Six Supreme Court Justices and They Are Following His Orders

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 2020 Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell finished their efforts to stack the Supreme Court in favor of the radical extremists on the right side of the aisle. With a margin of 6-3, these biased five men and one woman continue to attack the Constitution and allow Trump and his cronies to move our nation closer to fascism. No one will forget one of the darkest days in American history when the current illegitimate Court overturned a woman’s right to make decisions about her own mental and physical health. On June 24, 2022, these traitors to our nation put an end to 50 years of progress for women’s rights and overturned Roe v Wade. Their latest attack is focused on the First Amendment. Right-wing politicians in Virginia were given the right to “purge certain voters from the state’s list of registered voters if they believe they are not legally able to vote.” If you live in Virginia, and have a name which appears to be Latino or Black, beware. Something must be done ...

One More Reason Brett Kavanaugh Should Never Have Been Confirmed for a Seat on the Supreme Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When I discuss the reasons Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to have a seat on the United States Supreme Court, three other names come to mind: Christine Blasey Ford, Anita Hill, and Clarence Thomas. I remember the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas in 1991. Both his hearings and his confirmation remain controversial. I continue to look at the events of that year as a demonstration of how sexist old, white men were then, and how many of them remain prejudiced against women today. Some remain in the Senate, and the Chairman of those hearings is our nation’s current president. Thomas’ only serious obstacle was an allegation of sexual misconduct from a former aide, Anita Hill. I considered Ms. Hill a credible witness. Her recounting of the details were believable, and contained information only she and Thomas would have known. However, Thomas was confirmed by nearly every man in the Senate. Today, he is known as the most corrupt and prejudicial justice on what has be...

America’s Federal Courts are Broken and Trump and his Party are to Blame

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are paying attention to the most serious and destructive situation in America you are aware that the federal court system has been corrupted from the Supreme Court to every lower court in every state. Every Republican president since Reagan intentionally appointed or nominated judges who lean to the far right. Because of this irrefutable fact, justice in America is not blind, nor is it without bias. The greatest disaster and affront to the intentions of our Founding Fathers is the Supreme Court of the United States. When our Founding Fathers created the Judicial Branch of our check and balance system, they devised what they believed was a plan which would prevent the Court from becoming politicized. This has become the greatest mistake in the entire Constitutional Convention. PROOF THAT TERM LIMITS ARE NECESSARY FOR ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS AND THE COURT Justices were given lifetime appointments which prevented the need to win elections which are always divi...

Supreme Court to Blame for Increased Racism and Sexism

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s stacked Supreme Court is not deciding the relationship between laws and regulations and the Constitution, it is rewriting laws as it strikes down decisions made by legitimate Courts in the past. Affirmative Action was successful. Both minority students from low-income families and our nation’s companies benefitted from the program which created racially balanced institutions of higher education. Many great minds would have been lost if this program had not existed. However this biased and corrupt Court decided to halt all programs related to race-conscience admissions in colleges, declaring them unconstitutional. Apparently, only whites are protected by the Law of the Land. Contrary to Trump and his Court, not all of our most mentally gifted minds are wealthy and pure white. MIT offered statistics after the first new class was selected since the right-wing extremist Court’s decision. [About 5% of MIT’s incoming class of 2028 is Black, a significant drop ...

Events Since 2022 Prove that We do not Need This Supreme Court

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let’s review. In 2016, after the sudden death of Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, in February, President Obama nominated Merrick Garland to fill the vacant seat on the Court. Moscow Mitch McConnell let out a high-pitched scream. He established a rule in direct opposition to the intent of the Constitution. He unilaterally decided that a vacant seat on the Court must not be filled during an election year. Move ahead to 2017. After Trump’s illegitimate election, Moscow Mitch told Trump to nominate a man unfit for the position, Neil Gorsuch. We later learned that the sole reason for his nomination was based on a promise to overturn Roe v Wade should the opportunity arise. 2018; Moderate Justice Anthony Kennedy retired. Once again Moscow Mitch ordered Trump to nominate another totally unqualified justice, Brett Kavanaugh. Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearings were similar to those of Clarence Thomas in 1991. Doctor Christine Blasey Ford accused Kava...

Fascist Justice Neil Gorsuch Threatens the President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Proving that Supreme Court Justices are arrogant, above the law, and must ha ve their situ a tion altered, fascist Neil Gors uch had the cojones to threaten the President of the United States. Time for c hange.   You gotta love it when a politically biased and unfit for office Supreme Court justice makes a bigger fool of himself than we already knew he was.   Today’s SCOTUS is totally corrupted. Six of the justices are sworn to protect the interests of right-wing extremists. All of their decisions since 2022 reflect this fact. They are no l onger protecting the Constitution, they are writing and rewriting laws from legitimate Courts in the past.   THE PRESIDENT WILL TAKE A CTION TO REFORM THE COURT   Recent Court decisions forced President Biden to act and initiate plans to place term limits on the judicial branch. This should have been done in  1789. Life time appointments are unrealistic and fascist.   Gorsuch is not pl...