Trump’s Only God is Money and His Greed May Become His Downfall

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is wrong about everything. His ignorance is exposed every time he opens his pie hole. If he has a brain, it is either very small or infected with a terminal disease. The Trump Klan has one god and that god is money. Sadly, Fred Trump’s descendants were failures. Fred Trump gifted his son, Donald, with more than 400 million dollars, paid for deferments from the war in Vietnam, and likely bought his diploma from Wharton. It took less than two years for him to lose everything. His real estate “empire” only existed because the Saudi Royal family bailed him out, and Russian Oligarchs laundered billions of dollars buying properties whose values were inflated by the Trump organization. Think about this irrefutable fact. Somehow millions of voters gifted Trump with the Electoral College in 2016 and this lifelong failure became our nation’s 45 th president. There had never been a greater disaster in American history. For four years he did no...