
Showing posts with the label Electoral College

Goddammit, Make My Vote Count!

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am tired of hearing about “state’s rights.” When politicians use this term, they are not talking about the rights of the people who compose those states, they are talking about each state’s government. States would not exist without people: the people are the state. Our nation remains an “experiment,” and so far, the experiment is failing. Throughout the Constitutional Convention heated discussions were commonplace. The Bill of Rights did not just happen. Each delegate was fighting to protect the differences in the areas they represented which would become the United States of America. THE UNITED STATES HAS RARELY BEEN “UNITED” First and foremost, America has never been united, with the exception of when we were engaged in two World Wars. Only then did most Americans join together in support of our military and its fight to defeat fascism. It is a fact that other than the First Amendment, considered the greatest paragraph ever written, disagreement a

If you Reside in a Red State, You do not Live in America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you read my rants frequently , you are aware that I believe that all men and women who call themselves “Republicans,” and support Trump, are not Americans. They are members of The American Fascist Party, sometimes referred to as “MAGA Republicans.”   Red States Do Not Share American Principles   Red states are determined by the party of the state’s government. At one time they were primarily in the south, but today they include North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Texas, Ohio, and others whose politics have moved to the radical right.   Although they have differences, they share traits including ambitions to return our nation to a country dominated by white supremacy, blaming the federal government for all their problems, keeping women in a subservient role, attacking immigrants, falsely blaming them for their own inadequacies, and a penchant for accepting lies from Trump and Fox News as facts. They would have been loyal Nazis in 1930’s Germany.  

Trump, Haley, Cruz, Graham, Jordan, Greene, Boebert, Gaetz, and other Republicans Continue Offering Fodder for Late-Night Comics

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For the last two decades right-wing politicians have proven themselves good for only one thing: fodder for writers on late-night television. Not a single man or woman calling themselves “Republican” in the 21 st century is fit to run for office at any level. Now, in 2024, this has become a very sad fact. The only presidential candidates offered by the once Grand Old Party are an obese man who is facing 91 felony indictments, including treason, theft of secret documents, and a lifetime of fraud related to his failed business enterprises, and a woman who lost to “none of these candidates” in the Nevada state primary. At the age of 77, I remember that if a candidate had an affair or had a divorce in his past, he was forced to withdraw. Trump has had three wives, numerous affairs and unwanted sexual encounters, but Republican voters don’t give a damn. As long as he supports white supremacy, homophobia, Islamophobia, remains a suppressor of women’s rights, he is ele