Conservative Judges Protect Voting Rights in States with “Red” Governors

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart More good news. In fact, it’s a bit surprising, but it is raising my hopes for America’s future. Federal judges, appointed by a conservative president, struck down districting efforts in both Alabama and Florida. Both of these efforts by right-wing extremist state legislators were clearly efforts to suppress votes from Black Americans. On Tuesday a federal judge struck down a redistricting plan written by the right-wing extremist Alabama legislature which violated a prior agreement and an order from the SCOTUS requiring two mostly Black districts based on the demographics. [In another victory for voters, a Florida judge struck down the state’s congressional map over the weekend, ruling that the map — which was pushed through by Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) — violates the state constitution by diminishing the voting power of Black Floridians.] If you have ever lived in the Deep South for even a short period of time, you know that the Civil War nev...