Spiro Agnew and Nixon were not Immune, and Trump is Guilty of the Highest Crime in the Nation: Treason

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart MAGA Republicans and Fox News continue their efforts to misdirect the truth about January 6, 2021. However, those of us who watched all three hours of the darkest day in American history can testify to the truth. It is an undeniable fact that a sitting president stepped out of the White House and spoke to “his people,” who he had personally organized and instructed to come to Washington on that day, telling them to stop the most democratic action required by the Constitution, the same document Trump swore to “preserve, protect, and defend,” the certification of the Electoral College vote. This was clearly a commission of the highest crime against our nation: treason. Why is Trump a free man today, and how can he possibly be allowed to run for any political office? The 14 th Amendment clearly states that anyone who commits an act of insurrection cannot be allowed to run for public office. Trump’s incompetent attorneys are claiming that he had immunity beca...