Trump, Putin, and American Fascism

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you don’t read my articles every day, you are probably unaware of what is happening in America today. You have no understanding that the Second Civil War began in 2017 and continues today. This battle is virtually between the same combatants who existed in 1861. Real Americans are facing an enemy who seeks the end of the United States of America. In 1861 they called themselves “The Confederacy.” Today they call themselves “MAGA Republicans,” which is synonymous with The American Fascist Party. TRUMP WORSHIPS ADOLF HITLER Beginning in June of 2015, Trump began following Adolf Hiter’s playbook for taking autocratic control of 1930’s Germany. His first efforts were clear, but the mainstream media refused to tell the truth to their viewers. First, Hitler took control of all media. The only “facts” came from his government. Trump did the same by calling the legitimate media “fake,” and supporting right-wing propaganda machines like FOX News. Second...