
Showing posts with the label Incompetent

Republicans Don’t Play Fair Because They Are Playing a Different Game

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you haven’t noticed; I have. If you ask any man or woman who calls themselves a “Republican” a direct question, you will never get a direct answer. They will always redirect the question and offer their own opinion, their own agenda, literally refusing to answer a question they don’t want to answer. Some people might say, “they’re talking out of their asses.” But not me! If you know this current American Fascist Party as I do, you know that they live in an alternate world, and are playing a different game of political chess or maybe more accurately, political checkers. They exist on lies and misdirection. Their greatest enemy is the truth. RIGHT WING MEDIA HAS BRAINWASHED MILLIONS OF AMERICANS WHO CHOOSE TO BE IGNORANT There is only one qualification for employment at FOX News or to run for office under the banner of the Republican Party: you must be willing to constantly lie in support of right-wing extremist policies and your Fuhrer. They claim to worship T

Not the “Fake News,” but Presidential Historians, Rank Trump the Worst President in History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart He attempted to overturn the government of the United States of America. He stole national secrets and lied about it. Every day he was in office, for four years, he violated the Constitution. He attempted to divide our nation’s people forever. He lied about everything, including his loyalty to America. His loyalty belongs to Vladimir Putin. These are just a few reasons why Presidential Historians rate Trump the worst president in America’s nearly 248-year history. ANOTHER “FIRST” FOR TRUMP Last Thursday, May 30, 2024, Trump became the first American President to be indicted, tried, and convicted of a felony, not on a single count, but 34, unanimously. He faces three additional criminal trials, all more serious than for paying “hush money” to an adult film star. Because the mainstream media refused to report the truth prior to the 2016 election, only political writers like me had the courage to expose what has become “the real Donald Trump.” I posted multiple art

Trump Can be Addressed by Many Terms, but “Mr. President” is not One of Them

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Donald Trump was never my president. He never deserved the title. An American president has multiple duties and responsibilities, none of which were performed by the orange buffoon. Trump refused to represent all Americans. As the leader of the white supremacy movement in America, he failed to recognize Black Americans as equals. He ignored low-income and poor Americans, choosing to serve the super-rich and members of Neo-Nazi organizations. He divided our nation’s people intentionally, and when our country needed a leader, he ignored the advancing coronavirus, and claimed “it will just go away.” Trump was the first man to lose his bid for reelection and refuse to   submit to a peaceful transfer of power. Instead, he lied about the results of the election and attempted to overturn the 2020 loss by planning, organizing, and executing an attempted coup on January 6, 2021. The only “rigged” election in history was in 2016. Our government attempted to cove

How Much Longer Will America Have a Postal Service

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   You might remember the name Louis DeJoy . Thanks to Trump, he is now the Postmaster General of the United States. You might wonder why he is attempting to destroy the institution he was chosen to run.   First of all , he is a Trump supporter, and that means he is not very smart. Secondly, he is a businessman   whose major ambition is to run a privatized mail delivery service.   Few of you will be aware of what he is doing to Northern Nevada. He is making a major change which will likely cost Norther n Nevada residents their jobs and cause huge delays in our state’s mail delivery.   Although he has received many complaints listing justifiable fears related to eliminating the sorting stations in Reno and placing them in Sacramento, California, he refuses to listen to the people his organization serves.   Sacramento is 136 miles west of Reno. However, the mileage is only one concern. In the winter months, I-80, the highway between the two cities, crosses th