
Showing posts with the label Cowards

American Voters are Unhappy: Conservatives are Fascists, and Democrats are Cowards

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is virtually a fact that the primaries in 2024 are worthless. President Biden said he is running because Trump will be the Republican nominee. The only reason Trump is running is to avoid spending the remainder of his worthless life in prison.   The primaries have proven one thing, most Americans are not happy with the choices offered them in 2024, and I cannot criticize them for their displeasure.   However, the differences between the two old, white men are significant and obvious.   President Biden loves his country and his accomplishments for all Americans are impressive to say the least. He continues his attempts to unify our country and move our n ation forward into the 21 st cent ury. Our economy is growing faster than at any time since 2000. The facts prove that his successes greatly outnumber not only his immediate predecessor, but those of all three comb ined. He has been a working, patriotic, and American president.   Donald Trump has been

Trump has no Power, so Why Do They Fear Him, Why are They so Cowardly?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Recently MAGA Republicans backed away from a bill agreed to by President Biden, a bill they asked for many times. It would have virtually closed our nation’s southern border with Mexico. Their only reason for reversing their position 180 degrees were words from America’s worst former president. I am no fan of Ronna McDaniel However, her only reason for removing herself as the Republican leader in the RNC is Trump’s demand that she steps aside. His plan to replace her is founded on nepotism. His plan is to place forgotten son Eric’s wife in this powerful position. TRUMP IS A POWERLESS COWARD AND A BULLY I ask, “why are today’s fake Republicans afraid of Trump?” His only weapon is the hot air coming from his lips. He has no powers other than those surrendered by right-wing politicians and his fascist cult. Over the last nine years we watched two situations unfold. What began in 1981 came to fruition on January 20, 2017. With the inauguration of Donald John Trump c