Why and How the Mainstream Media Became the Enemy of Free Speech and the Truth

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you have ever read more than one of my rants, you know that I consider the mainstream media the enemy of the people. The “Fourth Estate” is protected by the First Amendment. However, today it no longer exists. The press was protected because its purpose was to expose government corruption. Today’s fake journalists are in collusion with Washington politicians. Several years ago, I had a source who asked to remain anonymous. He told me that the former free press was now under the control of Washington politicians. In the 21 st century, if a journalist wants the full story about any situation, he or she must omit certain facts harmful to the careers of elected officials. If he or she refuses to comply, all of their sources will cease to exist. ALL CRIMINALS MUST BE PUNISHED, WITHOUT EXCEPTION Here is the headline from Newsweek today. [Donald Trump's Conviction Was Expected to Sink Him in the Polls. It Hasn't] This title is extremely misleading. It gives...