When a Party Abandons its President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Today I am ashamed to be an American, but proud that I have refused to be a member of either political party. I have always believed that “joiners” in general are incapable of thinking for themselves, and feel the need to receive instruction about their life’s decisions from others. This is a destructive form of ignorance. WHY WOULD I WANT TO BELONG TO EITHER PARTY: THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT ME OR MY COUNTRY The nicest thing I can say about all who call themselves “Republicans,” is that they are cowards and hypocrites. In 2017 100 percent of the men and women who falsely claim to be “conservatives” abandoned the principles and the ideals of the once Grand Old Party, and supported the destructive, regressive, and fascist policies of a fat, old, white, malignant narcissist, who had no right to claim the title of President of the United States. My primary reason for this claim is based on the fact the Trump admits that he does not and never will serve any American who ...