
Showing posts with the label Term Limites

Tuberville is the Poster Boy for Today’s Fake Republican Party

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   First, “the truth lives here,” and I must reiterate my many statements offering the fact that the Republican Party is dead and has been buried since January 2017. Not a single principle or ideal of the once Grand Old Party exists today within the clowns who claim to be “Republicans.” When every “Republican” offered unconditional support to an obese, old, white man who is a confirmed sexual predator, a white supremacist, and spent four years attempting to end democracy in America, and was elected with the assistance of Vladimir Putin and the mainstream media on January 20, 2017, it was clear that the Party of Lincoln was nothing more than a memory. The right-wing has become “the party of no” under the leadership of Moscow Mitch McConnell. They do nothing with the exception of attempting to overturn laws which benefit the majority of the American people, and attack the men and women on the left side of the aisle for doing the right thing. The party’s despica...

Moscow Mitch McConnell is the Symbol of How Old, White Men are Destroying America’s Future

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Moscow Mitch McConnell is the Senate minority leader, serving his 7 th term. He is 81 years of age. Recently, he took a fall and later was led off a stage during a news conference as he was unable to speak. He is too old and unfit to serve the people of Kentucky or our nation. Fact: the average age of our nation’s people is 38.9 year of age. The average age of Congress is 64 years of age. 54 senators are over 65. In the House, there are 141 men and women who qualify for social security. The largest demographic belongs to millennials. Pure white Americans are declining to reproduce, while Black Americans and Hispanics continue to have children. Our nation is becoming younger, and the Senate, older. Our government does not represent our people. One other statistic which applies: women compose 51 percent of our population, but approximately 27 percent of our federal government is composed of women. Republicans have a total of 40, only 7.5 percent of the tota...

How Quickly the Supreme Court Became an Embarrassment for our Founding Fathers

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Prior to Moscow Mitch McConnell’s election to the Senate in 1984, the Supreme Court was the only respected branch of our nation’s government. As he gained power, eventually as the Senate Majority Leader, the Court became less respected by informed Americans. He forced the confirmation of at lest six justices who were unfit for office. Their only qualifications were they loyalty to his personal agenda. In 1986 Antonin Scalia was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. He became known as a right wing extremist who supported big business until his death in 2016. In 1991 Clarence Thomas became the most controversial Justice in history, and is under investigation today. In 2006 Samuel Alito joined his fellow extremists and continues to be known as “an enemy of the American people.” The current Chief Justice, John Roberts received a seat on the bench in 2005, and has surrendered his principles to the other five extremists on the Court in 2023. The greatest tra...

If You Can’t Trust the Supreme Court, Who Can You Trust?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 2023 the Supreme Court of the United States of America is composed of six justices who are on the extreme right of our political system. Their sole purpose is to overturn advancements made in our nation’s social system over the last 70 years. Intelligent and clear-thinking Americans were shocked on June 24, 2022, when these prejudiced five men and one woman overturned a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court and returned all American women to third-class citizens. They celebrated after creating one of the darkest days in American history as they removed the Constitutional right of women to make personal decisions about the future of their own mental and physical health. In March of 1961 President John F. Kennedy extended affirmative action to include creating racial equality within our colleges and universities. This week the same six “bad actors” ended affirmative action in America once and for all. What’s the next fascist act by these biased pretenders:...