Breaking my Own Rules

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From the first time I could vote in an election, 1968, I have been an Independent. I will always be a non-partisan voter. I believe that voting for a member of a party is ignorant, and causes great harm to our nation. Everyone should vote for the best candidate: the man or woman whose position on the most important issues are most closely aligned with your own. Having said that, I will admit to you that in this election, I cannot vote for any Republican. To my knowledge, all “Republicans” in Washington support the worst man in the world, and therefore his destructive plans for my country’s future. Everything I see and read confirms my fear that the entire right side of our political system surrendered its values, morals, and principles in 2017 and continues to do so today. Trump is most likely the worst man in the world. He is intentionally attempting to destroy a nation which could become the greatest in history for his own benefit. If you support Trump, you ar...