This Date Will Always be Remembered as the Darkest Day in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart On this day, January 6, in 2021, a sitting president executed a coupe with the intention of overturning our most sacred, democratic process, the election of our nation’s leader. He began planning and organizing this insurrection immediately after his huge defeat in November of 2020. What happened three years ago today was in fact “the darkest day in American history.” It was worse than the first Civil War because the responsibility for this heinous and treasonous act lies on the shoulders of a single, old, white, obese man whose need to be relevant supersedes his miniscule intellect. I remember watching the insurrection, every minute of the tragic actions committed by men and women whose only goal is to overthrow our democracy and shred the Constitution, with the exception of the Second Amendment. The 2024 election will decide if the American people or MAGA Republicans win the Second Civil War. If we, the people lose, America is over forever. As I see it t...