Pro-Lifers are a Perfect Example of Right-Wing Hypocrisy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Let me begin with the end. Religious extremists are the reason for the issue of abortion becoming political. They are clearly more concerned about a one-inch fetus than the life of a full-grown woman. Placing that fact aside, let’s take a short look at reality. The human brain begins to develop in the uterus within the sixth or seventh week. However, it is not fully developed until the end of the second trimester. Why is this important? Christian extremists claim that life begins at conception, and seek to ban all abortions, regardless of how the pregnancy originated. Pro-lifers are also involved in the termination of life for those who are terminally ill and the prognosis of regaining normal life is minimal at best. Their argument is founded on the fact that the patient’s brain remains “alive,” not alive as we might consider it, but alive according to science. They oppose any form of “mercy killing.” Let me make this clear. Anti-abortion ...