At West Point, President Biden Subtly Warns Graduating Cadets of Trump’s Threat to Democracy
Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart President Biden addressed Cadets graduati ng from West Point on Saturday. During his speech, he offered a warning to the young men and women . He told the young officers that they are “guardians of American democracy. ” Later in the address, he added an admonition to : “hold fast” to their military oath “not to a political party, not to a president but to the C onstitution of the United States of America, against all enemies, foreign and domestic ”. “From the very beginning, nothing is guaranteed about democracy in America. Every generation has an obligation to defend it, protect it, preserve it – now it is your turn,” said Biden, who cited the right to vote, the right to worship and the right to protest as key freedoms that require “constant vigilance ”. TRUMP NEVER WAS OUR NATION’S COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF Although the President did not use his name, this was clearly a direct warning about Donald Trump ’s plans for his second...