
Showing posts with the label Speaker of the House

Not a Single Late Night Comedy Writer Could Have Written the Biggest Laugh I Have Had in Years

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   When I read the news this afternoon, I laughed out loud and celebrated a victory for all true Americans. The Joke actually began in January of 2023. The Republican Party in Name Only regained power in the House after the 2022 election, but only by the slimmest of margins. In January of 2023 Kevin McCarthy was nominated to become the next Speaker. However, a “Republican Party” in chaos was divided and for the first time in history it failed to select a Speaker on the first vote. In fact, after multiple concessions from the California Representative, McCarthy was finally declared the next Speaker after ballot number 15. History was made and I chuckled. I have believed that the once Grand Old Party has been incapable of governing since 1981. But that was just the beginning. McCarthy proved to be the worst Speaker in history. One of his concessions to the fascist Freedom Caucus was that a single congressman could make a motion to remove the current Speaker. One me