
Showing posts with the label 2024 Election

Putin Stole Two Elections, and Your Corrupt Government is Hiding the Truth

Our government is a combination of two words which should never be used for men and women who control the future of America: incompetent and corrupt. I know it and they know it. After Putin stole the 2016 and 2024 elections for Trump, they not only ignored the truth, they hid it, fearing that all of our nation’s people would know the truth about their inability to accomplish anything. The mainstream media colluded with these failed elected men and women, and they are responsible for destroying the essence of the United States of America. In 2016, Russian agents spent millions of dollars on social media attacking Hillary Clinton. It was effective. A lower than expected turnout in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin allowed Trump to win the Electoral College, although he was crushed in the popular vote, the only vote which should decide the future of 340 million people. Okay, everyone who reads, refusing to “learn everything they need to know from television, is aware of the previous f...

Trump Administration Clearly Supporting Vladimir Putin

Let’s take a look back into the dark days of the first illegitimate Trump administration. The connections between Trump, his “people,” and Vladimir Putin were undeniable, and supported by “Republican” politicians. From August of 2016 until election day, the man who financed Trump’s campaign was Robert Mercer. Mercer is a billionaire whose closest friends include Russian oligarchs. He is the primary supporter of the right-wing extremist blog and radio broadcast, “Breitbart.” Two years after the illegitimate election, it was confirmed that Trump and Putin were in constant contact during the 2016 campaign. The plan to win the presidency began in Moscow in 2013. Trump’s first Secretary of State was Rex Tillerson. Tillerson formerly held the position of CEO in the Exxon Corporation. More significantly, he was close friends with Vladimir Putin, and conducted many business arrangements with the Russian President. Tillerson received the highest honor a civilian can receive who is not a Russian...

Not the Greatest nor the Most Important

    Politicians all lie, and the most ridiculous of all is the claim that America is the “greatest country in the world.” America is not even close. In a study of 15 developed nations, the United States is rated poorly in most categories. In the most important category, ‘quality of life,’ our nation was rated 15 th . It is obvious that politicians and the super-rich believe that the U.S. is the most ‘important country in the world.’ Arrogance is a trait which defines all politicians and all of our nation’s 756 oligarchs/billionaires. The facts prove that between 2017 and 2021 America lost its status in the world. Trump has made a laughingstock out of a once respected and admired nation. However, Trump and ‘his people’ don’t care. They think they are more important than anyone else on the planet. As I predicted, long before the 2024 campaign season began, Trump is now a dictator with no resemblance to any legitimate president other than himself. In collusion with Elon Mus...

One Thing Our Government Will Never Do

Everyone who claims to “work” in Washington is useless, corrupt, and a waste of taxpayer money. However, there is a single thing we can always count on from these cowards: they will never “do the right thing.” Let me use two examples of how I learned that the government of the United States of America would be overpaid if they worked for nothing. One month before the 2016 election, a meeting was held in the White House. The meeting came at the request of the leaders of all 18 security agencies. In attendance were President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Moscow Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. The purpose of the meeting was to confirm the fact to our nation’s leaders that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our upcoming election in support of Donald Trump. However, our gutless leaders decided that the voting public had no right to learn the truth. The result was Trump becoming our 45 th and illegitimate president. Our government has ignored the fact that they ar...

Dr. Phil Exposed as a Fraud, a Racist, and a Fascist

I admit to being surprised when I learned that “Dr. Phil McGraw” was an avid Trump supporter and spoke at one of his hate rallies in October. Racists and bigots eventually expose themselves, and this was the television personality’s chance to reveal himself. He strongly supports Trump’s foolhardy and bigoted immigration policy, which in reality will become an effort to eliminate all Hispanics from America. Trump’s idol, Adolf Hitler, hated Jews. For reasons unknown, Trump hates Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, literally any man or woman who is not pure white. It is clear that McGraw shares his passion. I have been aware from my teen years until where I am today, an old fart, that to be a true American, certain human traits are necessary. By design, the United States is a nation of immigrants. Its diversity is a necessary component in the formula of what makes America unique in the world.. I believe that intelligence, the ability to think freely and clearly, the absence of prejudice without r...

In Just Three Days Trump Caused More Harm than All Other Presidents Combined and Continues to Shit on the Constitution

It’s “déjà vu all over again.” What Trump has done to our nation in just three days is far worse than his initial actions in 2017. He has undone many of the positive accomplishments of real presidents Obama and Biden. All of his actions support the current plutocracy and his 756 oligarchs. There is no doubt that his decision to pardon the traitors who violently stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 is an act of pure fascism and revenge. Trump is not concerned about the brave capitol police who lost their lives or the more than 150 who were injured. These Neo-Nazis were tried for their crimes in a court of law and deserved to be punished more severely than they were. Treason is the most egregious crime possible in America. He is not interested in the fact that trying these men and women who hate my America cost taxpayers millions of dollars and law enforcement thousands of hours. More than 1500 anti-Americans who sought to overthrow our democratic government are back among those of us ...

Convince Me that 8,000,000 Voters Changed Their Minds from 2020 and Voted for Trump in 2024: No F**king Way


Two Americas; Two Countries Within one Nation

Principles, morals, respect, and trust. Every country, every nation’s leaders, and every individual in every country must possess the first two qualities and earn the latter two. Without these qualities, no country, no individual will accomplish anything of value, anything worth remembering. These things I learned from my grandfather and one of my uncles. I consider myself a good and spiritual man because I have worked hard to be the best person I can be. I am far from perfect, but my search for perfection continues at the age of 78. Education is a tool. If it is used properly, it can aid an individual in his or her search to reach higher levels of spirituality and understanding. Therefore, I believe in questioning everything. If you don’t receive answers which make sense, you should probably discard the information. Why am I writing about myself? The truth is that I am not important enough to have anything written about me. However, the most valuable part of my education has come from...

The Mainstream Media no Longer Does its Job: I Gues I Have to Do It

  If the 2024 election taught us anything, it’s that Russia once again interfered in our election, according to the FBI, and most voters must be educated. It was clear that on November 5, 2024, most Americans voted based on emotions and misinformation on the boob tube, not on facts. It is an irrefutable fact the America has the least informed voters in the world. Early in 2024, the FBI reported that Russia was once again heavily involved in controlling the results of our election. We never heard from them again. Was this election rigged as it was in 2016? The mainstream media no longer deserves the title of “the fourth estate.” It has failed to report what has become rampant crime and corruption in Washington in the 21 st  century. I constantly report the events and actions which occur in our nation’s Capital daily. It’s not hard. The Washington Mafia remains in control of our government. This Mafia hides behind titles including Senator, Congressman, Supreme Court Justice, a...

“You Broke it, Now You Have to Pay for It”

  The title of this article is an old adage or saying, and it’s true in most of the shops in which people search for items they wish to purchase. However, this refers to MAGA Republicans who continue to choose ignorance over facts and reality. They voted for Trump, and now they will be the first to suffer from their mistakes. Trump was the worst president in history between 2017 and 2021, according to presidential historians. Do they believe that he will be better in 2025? No one can be that stupid, unless you are an uninformed American voter who “learns everything they need to know from television.” Regardless of how uninformed most voters are in America, anyone who spends even a small amount of time reading about politics must be aware of some of the many reasons Trump should not be president or hold any office in government at any level. If the electorate refused to choose ignorance over fact, Trump would never have received more than 10 percent of the vote. ...

What’s Wrong With the Democratic Party?

Once again, this is where I tell you how incompetent and corrupt the mainstream media has become. However, for once I am not focused on how all major networks protect Trump and his party. No. This time my displeasure is focused on Democrats. It seems unrealistic that Kamala Harris could have lost to not only the worst candidate in history, but the worst person on the face of the earth. You have probably read or heard this many times: “What happened to the Democratic Party in 2024?” If the media had been truthful beginning in 2009, the American people would have refused to vote for a single Republican since the 2012 election. Democratic presidents have been the best guardians of our nation since Bill Clinton. They have accomplished 100 times more positive achievements than all Republicans combined since Reagan. However, all television media, the Washington Post and other major newspapers, learned a lesson from FOX News: sensationalism increases viewership, and increased viewership relat...

On December 31st at Midnight, I Will Celebrate the Passing of 2024, but Will not Welcome the Coming Disasters of 2025

I’m sure there will be a large crowd in Times Square on December 31 st . However, I don’t know what they will be celebrating. Prior to the November 5 th election, 2024 was filled with hope and a promise to prevent the end of democracy, and the establishment of a fascist regime. However, on the morning of November 6 th , all hope was lost as the questionable results of the 2024 election were splashed across the boob tube. Throughout my 78 years, the coming of a new year was celebrated, hoping that it would be better than the one we were leaving behind. However, 2025 promises changes which will destroy the very core of the nation, the dream of our founding fathers. The Republican Party’s fascist manifesto, Project 2025, will become the playbook for the Trump administration, as he obeys the demands of his puppeteer, Vladimir Putin. We have only ourselves to blame. Anyone who knows the real Donald Trump would have voted against him and for the policies of Kamala Harris. She should have wo...

Trump is an Idiot, and Idiots Choose Other Idiots to Hang With

I do not work for the mainstream media, and therefore I am not required to hide the truth or bow to our corrupt and incompetent government. I can ask the questions and report the truth they cannot or will not. So, here goes. Not one of Trump’s selections for his administration is qualified for anything, definitely not leading some of our nation’s most critical and necessary organizations. However, of all the morons on his naughty or nice list, the greatest fool of them all is now apparently living at Mar-a-Lago. Elon Musk if a billionaire, in fact he is statistically the richest man in the world. Most of the world’s leader believe that Putin is the richest man in the world. However, great wealth has no relationship to great intellect, or even common sense. Like Trump, Musk knows nothing about anything. He is undoubtedly a great engineer, but that’s where his expertise begins and ends. He has no place, no right to be involved in our nation’s government. He has no experience, no associat...

Question After Question and Our Corrupt Government Refuses to Provide Answers

After looking for answers to my questions for more than a month, I hereby claim that there are a sufficient number of questions unanswered to convince me that the 2024 election was rigged in favor of Trump and the “attempted assassination” was staged. First, a question no one in the mainstream media, or the Secret Service has answered: “where’s the bullet?” The scenario was sketchy at best. A young gunman, who had trained himself to use a high velocity rifle, moved into a position which allowed him to attempt the assassination of Donald Trump. This never should have happened. Members attending the rally pointed to the gunman long before he took his first shot. One of his supporters was shot and died at the scene, and two were seriously injured. However, the biggest target, and the most clearly visible, was not seriously injured. In fact, the bullet barely nicked his right ear. In fact, the alleged injury was so minor, it was incapable of altering the trajectory of the lethal projectile...

Okay, I’ll Say it: “Your Next President Will be a Very Old White Man with a Fat Ass Who is Putin’s Puppet”

The media won’t say it. Democrats are cowards and won’t say it. Trump is not a man, he is a puppet: specifically Putin’s puppet, and has been since 1987. In 1987 the KGB invited Donald Trump and his wife, Ivana, to visit Moscow. They accepted, and spent several days in the Russian capital. In the late 1980’s Putin was a high-ranking officer in the spy organization. The next record we have is in 2013. Trump was a part-owner of the Miss Universe Pageant. He took the pageant to Moscow. A former MI-6 agent, Christopher Steele, investigated the three days and wrote a dossier describing Trump’s actions. He claims that Trump and Putin met at least once to plan the 2016 election. He also wrote about Trump’s encounter with two prostitutes which involved urination. We know that while he was pretending to be your president, he communicated with Putin frequently. Some of those conversations may have been through a secret channel created in the Seychelles Islands by Erik Prince, the bother of forme...

Why has the Mainstream Media Failed to Report the Extent of Russia’s Involvement in our 2024 Election? What Are They Hiding?

The FBI informed American voters that Russia was once again attempting to interfere in our elections about a year before the election. Since that occasion, I have not read a single article from any member of our government or the mainstream media informing the American people about the extent of their efforts or the how those efforts were used. They know. Why don’t we? One article I did read not long after the debacle on November 5 th stated that a well-respected tech company believes that Russian hackers, who may have been partially funded by Elon Musk, were heavily involved in the seven swing states. What is the truth? I know one thing and one thing only. If our election was rigged, our government will never admit the fact that they are too incompetent to do anything about it. They will accept a fascist as our nation’s illegitimate leader for the second time. Trump will never be my president, and his country will never be mine. Op-ed by James Turnage Please follow my blog   ...

On November 5th I Learned Something: I am no Longer Living in the America I Loved and Respected

I saw the signs, but ignored them. I wanted to believe that the American people were beginning to move forward and join all developed nations, moving bravely into the 21 st century. I have been wrong before, but this one is both painful and frightening. Statistics are not something I trust, most of the time. The mainstream media is no longer interested in facts, their goal is to increase advertising revenue. However, some facts, produced from statistical analysis after the election, are undeniable. The results of the 2024 presidential election proved that there are more of them than us. The number of people who share Trump’s beliefs in racism, misogyny, anger, hatred, violence, and revenge, or in a single word, “fascism,” is greater than the number of people who believe in the principles of what it once meant to be an American. What does this mean? It’s simple and extremely sad: my America, the country I loved and respected throughout most of 78 years, ceased to exist nine years ago. ...

Simple Facts and a Comparison Between 2020 and 2024 Demand Answers

I continue to find it difficult to believe that Trump’s victory was legitimate. Several of the results and the reasons Trump was crushed in 2020 require answers to big questions. Add to this Trump’s relationship with Elon Musk, whose wealth offers him the ability hack into voting machines and other electronics and the big question becomes: “Was the 2024 election rigged for Trump as was the 2016 debacle?” Between Putin’s efforts and Musk’s wealth, it would have been easy for the best hackers in the world to rig the election. Let’s begin with some results in 2020 and the reported results in 2024. The Popular vote. In 2020 there was an historic voter turnout. When the final votes were counted, Trump lost the popular vote by more than seven million ballots. The official results in 2024 pointed to a Trump victory in the Popular vote. How could millions of voters have changed their minds about Trump during the last four years, considering his criminal convictions, treason on January 6, and h...

Blowhards and Liars

Since the recent election I listened to numerous “experts” blame Democrats for their huge losses. I am not a huge fan of either party. However, this is some of the most moronic bullshit I have ever heard. If voters did their job and vetted the candidates honestly instead of listening to the lies on the boob tube, they would learn that Democrats have accomplished many things for the majority. Republicans bow to billionaires. If voters were informed instead of brainwashed, they would realize that the mainstream media hides the truth about the political parties. Millionaires support Trump, and the media is therefore biased in his favor. I continue to have suspicions that this election, like the 2016 debacle, was rigged by Vladimir Putin Op-ed by James Turnage  

When Every Vote is Counted, Will Trump Lose the Popular Vote?

It may surprise some of you, but votes in the 2024 election are still being counted. This is not unusual. On Monday it was reported that Trump’s popular vote has dropped below 50 percent. Think about it. I said it in November of 2016, and I repeat my statement today: Trump will never be my president because he is not an American. In his own words he opposes every virtue which makes America a respected nation and its people the envy of most countries in the world. I have learned many things in my 78 years. First, everything changes. If the changes are progressive, everyone benefits. If they are regressive, most people suffer. America has not moved bravely into the 21 st century. Millions of our nation’s people continue to harbor racism, bigotry, and misogyny. If you believe in the principles included in “the American way of life,” your thoughts and beliefs are also progressive, or as today’s fake Republicans call us, “damn liberals.” In the world of developed nations, America is 15 th ...