
Showing posts with the label mentally challenged

I Could Never Vote for Anyone who is not as Intelligent as I am, or who Knows Less About Governing than I do

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart No one would ever accuse me of being a genius. I always had great grades in school, passed every test in the jobs I applied for easily, but I have known many people whose mental abilities are far superior to my own. I simply worked harder than most. Of all the presidents I voted for, beginning in 1968, there were only two I considered brilliant and impressed me with most of their decisions, their ability to speak to me honestly and eloquently, and displayed common sense most of the time. THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION One was the man who, although he was far from perfect, saved our nation’s economy from two former, destructive Republicans: William Jefferson Clinton. He entered office in 1993. When he left the White House in 2001, he had erased the huge national debt created by his Republican predecessors, and the national treasury had a surplus. PRESIDENT OBAMA TO THE RESCUE In 2009, President Barack Hussein Obama began the process of preventing a se

Undecided Voters in 2024? I Don’t Think So

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If there is a single “undecided” voter in America, where the f**k have you been living over the last nine years? The mainstream media kept Trump on the front page of nearly every on-line and in-print news publication for nearly a decade. It has been the goal of the malignant narcissist, but not good for the American people. It will always be our nation’s greatest disgrace that Trump was allowed to defile the White House for four years. However, desperate for readers, someone decided to poll “undecided voters” recently. I would like to know where they found a sufficient number to conduct a poll. THE SAME FEAR ALL LOYAL AMERICANS HAVE The poll which was taken used several tools to learn why they claim to be undecided. One of the questions asked was, “what is your greatest fear about another Trump presidency?” The answer mimics the reason not a single patriotic American wants Trump to wear the label of “President” again. We, and they, believe that he will

Is it Mandatory to be Stupid when Choosing Politics as a Profession?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart After reading comments made by several politicians this week, including the gibberish from Trump, I am convinced that one of the prime attributes needed to become a professional politician is abject stupidity. Much has been made of South Dakota,s big mistake, Kristi Noem, and it is definitely justified. Bragging about killing a puppy, a goat, and three horses is ludicrous. Just as brazen and dishonest is claiming to have met a world leader you never came in contact with. However, since 2015 I have read many moronic statements than I ever believed possible. Take a look at these quotes. All of them took place in the month of December, 2015. Each of them came from a man or woman calling themselves a “Republican.” LIKE THEIR FUHRER, THEY MAKE NO SENSE "When a physician removes a child from a woman, that is the largest organ in a body. That's a big thing. That's a big surgery. You don't have any other organs in your body that are bigger t

Not a Single Person in the World can Claim to be Rated 100 Percent on the Mental Health Scale

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 2024, the world’s population is 8,019,876,189. Of course this is an estimate. There is no possible way that every nation can accurately report its population, including the United States. I helped in conducting the 2010 Decennial Census, and I know this for a fact. However, I can offer one irrefutable fact: not a single person in this world of ours can claim to be 100 percent mentally healthy. Human beings suffer mental illness, some more than others. To deny this is to deny historical fact. Our minds are not always clear and logical. Every day we question everything, including ourselves. The truth is that anyone who believes they are without mental deficiency is batshit crazy. WHY AM I WRITING ABOUT THIS? My point is simple and undeniable. Unless you live with someone, you don’t know them, and even then, it is a well-known fact that husbands and wives often keep secrets from one another. My purpose is also simple and based on fact. Do not believe

Trump is not a Billionaire or Even a Millionaire, He Simply Uses Other People’s Money

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Trump is the biggest liar in world history. I know of only two times he told the truth, both during the 2016 campaign.   First, he told his cult that “the election is rigged.” We learned later that he was telling the truth. Vladimir Putin was one of the principal factors in Trump’s victory in the Electoral College.   The second time was when he told his hate-filled supporters, “I love using other people’s money .”   Trump Has no Money of His Own   Today we learned two facts which offer irrefutable proof that Tru mp is br oke . With one of his cronies and his daughter -in-law now in control of the RNC, h e is illegally using campaign contributions to pay his growing legal expenses.   Today we learned that his failing social media, la ughingly called “Truth Social,” lost 58 millio n  dollars last year, and its inflated stock value is crashing.   If you are an idiot, and you give money to “Big Adolf,” or the RNC, you are helping him with his efforts to stay o

If You Refuse to Have Him as a Guest, If you Make Fun of Him, You Expose his Greatest Weakness: Immaturity

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Not a single legitimate television show would have him as a guest. You receive a badge of honor if you criticize him and he attacks you with nonsensical, made up words. This is how we learned about the most immature, obese, old, white man in the world and why intelligent people laugh at Donald John Trump. Any man nearing 80 years of age who is obviously immature either possesses a low level of intelligence or is in the middle stages of senility. We know that Trump is a malignant narcissist, in fact he is the poster boy for this malady. It is fair to assume that his “disease” is becoming a much greater problem as he is soon to become an octogenarian. These are not “normal times.” Throughout my 77 years, 67 of which I followed politics in America, I witnessed many situations which forced presidential candidates to resign. At the top of the list is morals involving issues such as infidelity, sexual inuendo, sexual assault, and lying to the American people a