Coward Moscow Mitch McConnell Runs Away After Permanently Damaging his Country

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart For more than 40 years, Moscow Mitch McConnell had one goal. He wanted to make his party, the once Grand Old Party, the most powerful in Washington for the remainder of his life. Not once did he accomplish anything which resulted in positive benefits for all Americans. THE DO NOTHING PARTY It is Moscow Mitch who created the “party of no” in January of 2009, promising that his party would do nothing until “that man was out of office.” Until this very day, he kept that promise. It was his obstructionist party which prevented the passage of legislation in 2023. In a normal year, the number of bills passed by congress ranges between 200-600. Last year only 34 pieces of legislation reached President Biden’s desk. PREVENTING THE VOTING PUBLIC FROM KNOWING THE TRUTH It was Moscow Mitch who prevented the American people from knowing that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our 2016 election in support of Donald Trump. When every security agency confirmed this fact in Octo...