If You are One of the 68 Percent of all Evangelicals Who Support Trump, You are not a Christian

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Only men and women who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the New Testament can call themselves “Christians.” Donald Trump has never set foot in the church he claims to support, according to the church’s pastor. Trump is a confirmed and convicted sexual predator, a lifetime criminal, tells lies constantly, and judges everyone crudely while refusing to admit his many mistakes. Anyone who supports this bitter, angry, obese, old white man who spreads anger, hatred, and intitiates violence cannot claim to follow the instructions of the Christ. The majority of Evangelicals are hypocrites. Let me state a personal opinion. Religious interference in America’s government is the greatest danger to our nation’s future. Religious extremism has been the force behind wars and the deaths of millions of innocent men, women, and children for centuries. There is no justification for allowing religions to become a factor in how America is governed. We are n...