
Showing posts with the label Democracy

Not the Greatest nor the Most Important

    Politicians all lie, and the most ridiculous of all is the claim that America is the “greatest country in the world.” America is not even close. In a study of 15 developed nations, the United States is rated poorly in most categories. In the most important category, ‘quality of life,’ our nation was rated 15 th . It is obvious that politicians and the super-rich believe that the U.S. is the most ‘important country in the world.’ Arrogance is a trait which defines all politicians and all of our nation’s 756 oligarchs/billionaires. The facts prove that between 2017 and 2021 America lost its status in the world. Trump has made a laughingstock out of a once respected and admired nation. However, Trump and ‘his people’ don’t care. They think they are more important than anyone else on the planet. As I predicted, long before the 2024 campaign season began, Trump is now a dictator with no resemblance to any legitimate president other than himself. In collusion with Elon Mus...

Dr. Phil Exposed as a Fraud, a Racist, and a Fascist

I admit to being surprised when I learned that “Dr. Phil McGraw” was an avid Trump supporter and spoke at one of his hate rallies in October. Racists and bigots eventually expose themselves, and this was the television personality’s chance to reveal himself. He strongly supports Trump’s foolhardy and bigoted immigration policy, which in reality will become an effort to eliminate all Hispanics from America. Trump’s idol, Adolf Hitler, hated Jews. For reasons unknown, Trump hates Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, literally any man or woman who is not pure white. It is clear that McGraw shares his passion. I have been aware from my teen years until where I am today, an old fart, that to be a true American, certain human traits are necessary. By design, the United States is a nation of immigrants. Its diversity is a necessary component in the formula of what makes America unique in the world.. I believe that intelligence, the ability to think freely and clearly, the absence of prejudice without r...

A Failed Businessman, a Failed Man, and a Failed Traitor

All politicians, Democratic or Republican, make promises they cannot or will not keep. However, some politicians proffer blatant lies in the form of campaign promises. When Trump took the oath of office on Monday, he refused to place his hand on the bible. Why? It is an irrefutable fact that Trump’s only god is money. Is he a liar, an atheist, who pretends to support Christianity? Or is there some part of him who fears a God and knew that every word he was forced to repeat would be a lie? He lied on Monday as he lied during the campaign. If you trust the exit polls, the biggest issue was inflation, something Trump jumped on and promised to reduce prices at the grocery store. First and foremost, inflation was a lie. The situation was “Greedflation,” a situation created by greedy corporations, Trump supporters and the latest enemy of the American people. During his boring and misleading inaugural speech, he surreptitiously indicated that he would not be reducing the price of necessities....

Real Americans Will Never Surrender and Will Join the Resistance

The fascists can rightfully claim victory. Whether the election was legitimate or valid is of no consequence. Our government will hide the truth from us, fearing that all Americans will learn how incompetent and useless the three branches of government have become. We will never know the truth about multiple events in our nation’s history, including the Kennedy assassination, your president’s failure to take action in September of 2001, and the 2016 and 2024 elections. There are many others, but of far less importance. If you voted for Kamala Harris, and your state’s Electoral votes were given to Trump, as ours were in Nevada, your vote did not count. Without the only weapon the people possess, what can we do? We must join the resistance. We must speak out in any way possible. We must take action in any form guaranteed to us by the First Amendment. If the French underground and other organizations throughout Europe refused to surrender in WWII, we must follow their lead. When real Amer...

Ignorance and Apathy Displayed by Most American Voters May Negatively Alter the Future of the World

The world’s population is estimated at 8.2 billion people. These people live in 195 countries led by 195 leaders, and 195 governments. The United States population in 2024 is 346,189,562 as of November 29, 2024. Our country will be led by the least qualified man in the world who has no idea how to lead more than 346 million people, and simply doesn’t care. Our government has proven itself to be the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. And yet, those who spend their days pretending to govern America in Washington may very well change everything about the future of 8.2 billion people after January 20, 2025. It is inevitable that 2025 will not be a good year for the average human being. The rich and powerful will have complete control over our future when the fascist Trump administration takes complete control over the most powerful nation in the world. Inside the private meeting rooms of the United Nations there is an atmosphere of mistrust, confusion, uncertainty, and even fear. U...

Comparing Trump and Kamala Harris

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If ever there were two more opposite presidential candidates in American history, I don’t remember who they might have been. The first comparison is clear: Trump is not loyal to America; Kamala Harris is a patriot who supports the Constitution. If this fails to help you decide who should receive your precious vote, I offer more. Trump is a lifetime criminal and sexual predator, recently convicted of 34 felonies. Harris prosecuted criminals and made California safer for everyone. Trump failed to continue the economic recovery begun by President Obama, and after his failure to lead America in the fight against Covid-19, another depression was in sight as the unemployment rate soared. Harris and Biden rebuilt our economy to a level not seen since the Clinton administration. Inflation is in steep decline. Nations around the world fear another Trump presidency. Harris and Biden have reestablished a close relationship with our allies. NATO has become stronger over the...

Fascism has Arrived in America: It’s Wearing a Cross and Waving the Flag

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, agrees with me: Trump is undoubtedly a fascist. The truth is more upsetting than the fact that one man who wants to be your president hates democracy. The reality is one entire political party has morphed from being the “Grand Old Party,” or the Party of Lincoln, and is now Trump’s “American Fascist Party.” It doesn’t take a genius to realize that the right-wing’s extremist list of plans and policies, labeled “Project 2025,” is a 922-page revival of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” To deny this fact is to choose ignorance over reality. Your vote is guaranteed by the First Amendment. However, it is more than a right, it is a responsibility. Vote and vote for yourself and those you love. Kamala Harris in 2024. Op-ed by James Turnage Find my novels on Amazon’s Kindle

Why is Voting Important if Your Vote Doesn’t Count?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I encourage everyone to vote. I continue to read responses like, “my vote doesn’t matter,” or “why should I if my vote doesn’t count?” I understand how some voters feel. I live in a “purple state.” However, if I lived in a red state, I would have no reason to vote. Electoral votes in deep red states usually go to those calling themselves “Republicans.” I admit that when I was first allowed to vote in 1968, I knew nothing about the Electoral College. I assumed that the candidate who received the most votes would be our next president. Little did I know that the states actually choose our nation’s leader. When I did understand the truth, more than 10 years later, I was extremely upset. I had grown up in California, but what if I had been a resident of Mississippi or any other red state? THERE IS BUT ONE WAY TO DEFEAT THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL ELECTORAL COLLEGE First, there would be no “red or blue states” if the Electoral College did not exist. This i...

Kamala Harris has Become Popular in Just Three Days: Time for Democrats to Capitalize on the Facts

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In just three days, Kamala Harris has become popular with every demographic. One of these groups is younger voters. As I read the news this morning, I learned that some Democrats are acting like Democrats. Instead of capitalizing on the situation, they are showing skepticism. Much of the discussions on the news continue to involve the very unusual fact that a presidential candidate who was victorious in the primaries is withdrawing from the 2024 campaign. It’s time to move forward. KAMALA HARRIS IS THE DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE Charli XCX is a popular entertainer among young men and women. She quickly endorsed Kamala Harris, and called her a “brat.” This is the title of her latest album. There is absolutely no doubt that Republicans will be calling Ms. Harris many names. This is their only available tactic. Their lack of intelligence is not unlike a child in a schoolyard during recess. They are not yet intelligent enough to realize that this immature tac...

The American Fascist Party is the Result of Politicians Becoming Mad with Power

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over the last 248 years the United States of America has experience d enormous change. In 1932, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt became our nation’s 32 nd President. His policies were focused on improving the lives of all Americans. He will deservedly be remembered as “the people’s president.” He w as so popular, he won four elections. I sincerely doubt that I would be receiving the money I and my employer paid into throughout my working life today if President Roosevelt had not fought for Social Security.   Positive change for all Americans continued until 1981. I was lied to and misled throughout the 1980 campaign. After he was sworn in Ronald Reagan exposed himself for what he was.   Reagan began his wars on the working class, minorities, women, and all religions other than Christianity.   No one will ever deny the success of his foreign poli cies . However, his dome stic policies were focused on his personal beliefs, and close associati...

Why Democrats Fail to Dominate our Federal Government

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I support the majority of a Democratic platform. My problem is that I find the Democratic Party disorganized and constantly fails to offer a united front. “I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.” Will Rogers died in 1935. Nothing has changed for decades. Since 1981, when Ronald Reagan demanded 100 percent loyalty from his party, this policy has remained the only constant within the Republican Party, until 2016. However, on January 20, 2017, Republicans revealed levels of cowardice and hypocrisy I had never seen before. On the other side of the aisle, not once over that same period of time have I witnessed a unified Democratic Party. If they adopted the same policy as Republicans, I have no doubt that Democrats would have controlled the presidency and both houses of Congress for most of the latter part of the 20 th century into the 21 st . DEMOCRATS ARE REPEATING THEMSELVES Today, July 9, 2024, Congress is back in session. However, ...

Wave Good-bye to Democracy Forever

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If Trump wins the Electoral College in November, it will be travesty. As a proud and patriotic American, I cannot accept the fact that a convicted felon, a convicted sexual predator, an admitted fascist based on his promised actions if elected, a man without morals or principles could defile our White House for another four years. However, I am telling you that it may not matter. The most important branch of our government is now the Supreme Court. When Trump, Moscow Mitch McConnell, and the Federalist Society colluded to stack the Court in favor of right-wing extremists, it became our Founding Father’s greatest nightmare. The Court is now politicized, and likely will remain so for the next 30-40 years. A BAD DECISION MAY NOW END THE DREAM To understand why our Founding Fathers gave justices on the Court lifetime appointments, we go back to the Constitutional Convention. The men who created, debated, and signed the Constitution understood the c...