It Took Years for Washington to Reach an Irreparable Level of Corruption

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is no denying the facts. America’s federal government has reached a level of corruption from which there is no return. I couldn’t blame anyone for believing this situation began with Trump, but the truth is far more sinister. Fact: corruption and greed are synonyms. In the 1980’s America began moving away from a nation where compassion, understanding, and a simple desire to do the right thing in every situation into a nation where profits became the priority and our people were left behind. In 2024, our country has reached a situation where great wealth is protected by law enforcement, the justice system, our military, and even ministers behind their pulpits. No one in power or in possession of great wealth can be trusted. ONE ENTIRE POLITICAL PARTY IS NOTHING BUT A TOOL FOR THE ONE PERCENT In 2024, the number of billionaires in the U.S. has reached 813. These ridiculously wealthy individuals have amassed power with the use of their fortunes. In 1981 the r...