Joe Biden is a Superstar for Older Americans

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I record all four of the late-night variety shows daily. However, I don’t find their critique of President Biden’s age funny. It’s not because I am just three-and-one-half years younger than Mr. Biden, it’s because the two causes I have fought for in my adult life have been equal rights for women, and respect for our elders. America is the only developed nation that refuses to respect and care for its senior citizens. In 2009 I was 63 years old. I had been laid off from my job in 2008. I wanted to continue working. I applied for a position in the 2010 Decennial Census, and a test date was scheduled. A couple of weeks later I received a phone call and offered a job. I was to be trained in March at a location near my home. The rest of the story is long and unnecessary. However, later in 2010 when I was employed in the Reno Census office, a discussion began during our lunch break. There were about 50 people working at that time, and later the number rea...