
Showing posts with the label Losers

Fascists, Nazis, Incompetents, Criminals, Traitors, and now Q’Anon Conspiracy Theorists

On January 20, 2017, Washington was changed forever. It’s composition for 241 years had been men and women who were patriots, loyal to the American people, and most were intent upon improving the lives of all Americans, while keeping them safe from our enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, since 1981 the former Grand Old Party began moving further to the right, and it was clearly divided between Moderates, the Tea Party, and a new fascist-leaning group calling themselves the Freedom Caucus. When Trump began his reign of terror, every man and woman calling themselves Republicans began to bow to the wannabe Fuhrer. Today’s Washington is filled with Fascists, Nazis, Incompetents, criminals, Traitors, and now Q’Anon Conspiracy Theorists. Here’s the latest from one of Trump’s woefully unqualified criminals pretending to be the Secretary of Defense. Pete, “the Drunk,” Hegseth and “Trump administration officials at the Pentagon invited antisemitic right-wing conspiracy theorist and ser...


Just 17 days.  That’s how long Trump has been pretending to be a U.S. president. There are protests in America’s streets. It’s only the beginning. America has not experienced this much unrest and chaos since 2017. Trump’s worst brings out the best of America. From Trump’s own words, his Project 2025, and Musk’s two fascist salutes to his supporters, it is an undeniable fact that in control of America are two devout Nazis. From removing government employees whose only purpose was to investigate corruption, fraud, and criminal actions, to restoring high prices of prescriptions for seniors, every act by your illegitimate president is designed to harm the majority, and protect the rich and powerful. This is part of a plan to make the plutocracy permanent and establish a fascist regime which will guarantee the wishes of our 756 oligarchs. Every villain needs a central figure to blame for his inadequacies. For Trump, his victims are immigrants, most significantly Hispanics. Other actions...

In Washington, “Doing the Right Thing” is Extremely Rare

All Politicians are cowards, regardless of their party affiliation. They are more afraid of what might happen if they did the right thing than violating their oaths of office. Losing an election would force them to find a real job. Their license to steal from the American people would be revoked. Not a single professional politician spends more than 100 days each year working for the people. Most of their time is spent fund raising and lying to their constituents. Since Trump was gifted the Electoral College in 2016, the government of the United States has become the most corrupt and most incompetent in the world. Fewer bills have become law over the last nine years than during any other period in American history. Our Founding Fathers were “eternal optimists.” They were naïve and believed that their successors would possess the morals, principles, and integrity to improve upon their humble beginnings in 1789. However, they underestimated the frailty of humanity. The desires for great ...

When a Party Abandons its President

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Today I am ashamed to be an American, but proud that I have refused to be a member of either political party. I have always believed that “joiners” in general are incapable of thinking for themselves, and feel the need to receive instruction about their life’s decisions from others. This is a destructive form of ignorance. WHY WOULD I WANT TO BELONG TO EITHER PARTY: THEY DON’T CARE ABOUT ME OR MY COUNTRY The nicest thing I can say about all who call themselves “Republicans,” is that they are cowards and hypocrites. In 2017 100 percent of the men and women who falsely claim to be “conservatives” abandoned the principles and the ideals of the once Grand Old Party, and supported the destructive, regressive, and fascist policies of a fat, old, white, malignant narcissist, who had no right to claim the title of President of the United States. My primary reason for this claim is based on the fact the Trump admits that he does not and never will serve any American who ...

America Can’t Win a War, but This Republican Wants to Give $55 Billion More to the Pentagon

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Watchdog groups claim that fifty cents out of every dollar receiv ed by the Pentagon annually is waste d. It was clear during the George W. Bu sh Administration that the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq helped the Bush family, Dick Cheney, and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Paul Wolfowitz become multi-billionaires.    “War is good business .” Investing in the military industrial complex makes billionaires out of millionaires.     THE UNITED STATES MILITARY IS POWERFUL, AND FUNDED FIVE-TIMES MORE THAN ALL OTHER NAITONS COMBINED   The annual budget of our nation’s military is nearing one-trillion dollars per year. This, combined with the fact that this amoun t is five-times more than all other nation’s combined should guarantee victory in any military conflict, large or small. So, let’s look a t history.   The Korean Conflict occurred between Jun 25, 1950 – Jul 27, 1953 . When the conflict ended, there was no winn er. T...