Religious Intolerance in America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are a devout Christian, this story is not intended for you. I respect your beliefs and would be willing to do anything to protect your First Amendment rights. This article is focused on fake Christians, those who do not believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is for the men and women who use religion for personal advancement and are nothing more than pretenders. EVANGELICALS AND A GODLESS PRESIDENT I am focusing on Evangelical leaders who created the Christian Religious Right for personal gain. Their organization began under Ronald Reagan, who was a religious extremist. They proved that they are not Christians when they supported Trump in 2016, and are supporting him again this year. Because right-wing politicians support the CRR, they violate the First Amendment every day. This is a classic example of religious intolerance in America. Read the First Amendment and judge for yourself how the American people are guaranteed the freedom to ...