Nothing is More Important to America’s Future than an Informed Electorate

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart We are responsible for one irrefutable fact: the government of the United States is the most incompetent and corrupt in the world. We the people, the voting public, without accurate information, and being led astray by the right-wing propaganda machine, FOX News, and other extremist fake news organizations, elected the worst of the worst: men and women who are woefully incompetent and have no loyalty to our nation and our people. WHEN THE END BEGAN In 2009 the Republican Party endorsed a policy which became its ultimate demise in 2017. In that fateful year, the Koch brothers, confirmed as the wealthiest billionaires in our nation behind Bill Gates and Warren Buffet, funded a group of incompetent men and women who promised to support every issue important to these anti-American billionaires. They called themselves the “TEA Party, and acronym for “taxed enough already,” a catchy name without substance or meaning. The truth is, Republican leadership h...