Would You Live in Iran or Saudi Arabia?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There is only one form of government worse than Fascism and the oppression of an autocratic leader: a Theocratic Dictatorship. Time Magazine placed Trump on its cover, not hoping he would pay for a porn star to spank him with it, but to allow “Big Adolf” to announce his agenda, assuming that American voters will have lost their minds, and he wins in November. (You can read the horrific revelation in the attached article written for the Daily Kos by Frank Vyan Walton). Trump has the support of Evangelical leaders, who are known as The Christian Religious Right. Recently Trump joined them in their complaint that Christianity is in decline in America. As you may know, I am one of nearly 100 million Americans who reject all organized religion. Therefore, I am fully aware that Christianity has become the least chosen religion by younger Americans; and there are many reasons for this fact, including hypocrisy and its lack of support for women’s rights. I...