Moving America Backwards Into the Times When Most People Were Uneducated and Completely Uninformed: No Intelligent Human Wants That

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I must begin with an apology to the state of Arizona. No matter how hard you try, you can never be a part of the deep South. You can be as regressive as they are, but you didn’t exist as part of our nation until February 14, 1912. You have no idea what the Civil War was all about. As far as states go, you are a juvenile although you have an aging population. TRUMP WILL BE REMEMBERED AS THE REGRESSIVE AND ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT Trump attempted to destroy all the advances made in America over the last 80 years in four years. He had some success because he has a large number of supporters who choose ignorance over reality. Looking at every social issue, he is opposed to any effort to improve the lives of most Americans. Recently he revealed his position on one of the most important issues in 2024; well sort of. He said it should be left to the states. A presidential candidate must take a stand and be pro-life or pro-choice. However, the only right answer from anyon...