
Showing posts with the label Neo-Nazis

Has Elon Musk Always Been a Nazi?

  Co-president, Elon Musk, finished a speech at another Trump hate rally on Monday with the words, “thank you for making it happen.” Then he did something which might have surprised some, but not yours truly. He gave the crowd the infamous Nazi salute. Musk placed his right hand over his heart and snapped his arm forward at a 45-degree angle. Of course the buffoon denied any intent to pay homage to Hitler, Putin, Trump or their fascist beliefs. In response, the SpaceX and Tesla chief posted on X: "Frankly, they need better dirty tricks. The 'everyone is Hitler' attack is sooo tired." However, he repeated the gesture, confirming that he was fully aware of what it signified. "My heart goes out to you. It is thanks to you that the future of civilization is assured," the 53-year-old said, after giving the second one-armed salute. Okay, let’s discuss a few of the issues which confirm your new president is a Nazi. Trump has surrounded himself with many of our nati...

What Happened in Columbus: Get Used to It

I wonder how the citizens of Germany reacted to Nazis marching in the streets in 1933. I can tell you that they not only got used to it, by 1935 they cheered. This could very well happen in America with Trump as your illegitimate president. On Saturday afternoon, a group of men dressing black, armed with deadly weapons, and carrying flags displaying swastikas marched through the streets of Columbus Ohio. This is just the beginning. January 6, 2021, the 2024 campaign, and the results of the election offer irrefutable facts that Trump is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. Trump’s 922-page Project 2025 is a Nazi Manifesto given rebirth by Trump and about 100 loyalists from his previous failed four years between 2017 and 2021. Trump promised his people that the 2024 election would be the last in which they would be required to or allowed to vote again in a free and fair election. A vote for Trump was a clear vote in support of burning the Constitution and replacing democracy w...

Anyone Hoping that a Second Trump Presidency Won’t be so Bad, Forget About It

All hope is lost. If you don’t believe me, here are just a few headlines from 11/13/24. “Women are stockpiling birth control as second Trump term looms” “Trump reportedly creating 'warrior board' to purge 'woke' generals” (They’re all suckers and losers according to the orange buffoon) “The Recap: ‘Liddle Marco’ to run US diplomacy, dog killer to run the border” “How Trump’s pledge to scrap the Department of Education could impact America's children” “Trump picks Mike Huckabee, pro-Israel conservative, as ambassador” “Republicans win the House, NBC News projects, as Trump's party takes full control of Washington” These are just a few from Google’s front page and the Daily Kos. There are thousands more in publications across the nation. Fact: Ignorant voters chose a fascist: a vindictive man who preaches anger, hatred, and violence constantly. Between 2017 and 2021, Trump changed America by moving our nation backwards. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. Earlier this yea...

100 Percent of the Attendees at the Convention Share One Thing, and 90 Percent Share Something More Interesting

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Every attendee at the former Republican Party’s convention in Milwaukee shares one fact. They are all Neo-Nazis, supportive of a fascist regime to replace democracy, while declaring their fealty to Trump. I was confused at times. The effusive and embarrassing praise for the convicted felon was so repetitive, I wasn’t sure if this was taking place in America, 1930’s Germany, North Korea, or Moscow. The similarity was uncanny. They are a united party, at least in public. HYPOCRITES ONE AND ALL At least 90 percent of the men and women at the convention were previously vehement critics of the worst illegitimate president in history. A large number of this 90 percent were members of the “anyone but Trump club” in 2016. All of them called him “dangerous,” “immoral,” “unhinged,” “unfit,” and numerous other negative adjectives. However out of this 90 percent, 100 percent became hypocrites. They scream and yell for Trump while inside they are calling him names and likely...

Clones from 1930’s Germany are Gathering in Milwaukee This Week

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I must admit something to all of you. I have been honest when I talk about Trump, his party, and his supporters. There is no question that their policies and plans include the end of democracy, and replacing freedom with a fascist regime. Take a good look at Trump’s Project 2025. However, what I failed to recognize is the existence of reincarnated Nazis pretending to be Republicans is already happening. This is no longer a movement to create a fascist regime, it has been here for the last seven years and gaining power and support from the wealthiest people in our country. I don’t know why I failed to realize what I was seeing was reality, and not a “could be.” Right-wing politicians don’t just support Trump, they literally bow to him the same way Hitler’s inner circle deferred to his every demand. They are not allowed to have their own thoughts. If they disagree in any way with their Fuhrer, they are punished with attacks from “Big Adolf.” For example, when the ...

Trump Keeps Crawling Deeper Into the Swamp

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Anyone who has listened to 10 minutes of Trump’s vile hate speech at one of his infamous “rallies,” learns two things immediately: he is illiterate, and the subject matter is repetitious, boring, and without substance. His constant attacks against real Americans prove that he is a jealous, insecure, and hate-filled person without average intelligence. It is obvious that many of his attacks are directed at himself. When he claimed that the 2016 election was “rigged,” he was telling the truth, but it was rigged for him. When he refers to our President as “Sleepy Joe,” it was Trump who fell asleep constantly during his very serious “hush money” trial. When he ordered his cult to chant, “lock her up,” he was referring to his life of crime and debauchery, not Hillary’s.. A FEEBLE, OLD, OBESE MAN Trump’s most avid supporters are exactly what Hillary Clinton referred to as “a basket of deplorables.” Comments made on “Truth Social,” and other extremist for...

Only Fools Believe that Trump was Good for the Economy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Fact: Trump was the greatest failure in the history of Real Estate. Without criminal actions and assistance from the leaders of foreign nations, he would have been living on the street since 1999. Fact: Recent Republican presidents, Reagan, George W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Trump were rescued by Democratic presidents, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden from the economic disasters they created with the same failed fiscal policy, and illegal and immoral wars. In each situation a Democratic president restore our nation’s economic future. Fact: Not a single accomplishment was achieved by Trump in four years, with the exception of huge and permanent tax cuts for the super-rich. When he was in Washington on a few occasions, he spent less than four hours a day in the Oval Office. The remainder was spent watching FOX News, texting, and eating fast food. Most of his four years in office was spent on a golf course, partying at Mar-a-Lago, and holding his infamous...

This Story Should Make You Very Afraid About the Future of America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I first wrote this in 2016, but I must make a similar statement today : “I cannot believe that the worst man in the world, and the worst and first illegitimate president in history can win in November.”   To offer an excuse, I was not aware th at Putin was interfering in our election to help Trump win the Electoral College in 2016.   This story is about American voters. I find it frightening and very disappointing that millions of our nation’s people are willing to vote for our country’s biggest traitor, who is a lifelong criminal, a sexual predator, the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in Amer ica, a homophobe, and Islamophobe, who is loyal to Russian President Vladimir Putin and does not believe in a God or any Religion .   This makes me ask the big question: is America worth saving. What kind of person would vote for Trump or his fascist party? They are not Americans. The fact that they hold the presidency to such a low level of ...

Fascist Donald Trump Has the Cojones to Claim that President Biden has a “Gestapo”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I wrote multiple times how Trump’s personal Gestapo mistreated illegal immigrants during his il legitimate presidency. They are call ed I CE.   ICE was an unnecessary creation and a knee-jerk reaction to 9/11 during the Bush 43 administration. It proved to be a racist and poorly trained agency originally designed to protect our borders.   Trump Would be a Dictator and the D estroy er of the Constitution, or so He Tells Us : read his latest manifesto in Ti me Magazine.   It is an undeniable fact that Trump is the leader of the fascist movement in America. The men who led his failed coup on January 6 were leaders of various Neo-Nazi groups whose goal is to destroy our current government. They plan to move our nation backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century.   Trump continues to whine about receiving fair punishment for the just a few of the many crimes he committed during a small part of his pitiful life. In his tiny...