
Showing posts with the label Rigged Elections

Putin Stole Two Elections, and Your Corrupt Government is Hiding the Truth

Our government is a combination of two words which should never be used for men and women who control the future of America: incompetent and corrupt. I know it and they know it. After Putin stole the 2016 and 2024 elections for Trump, they not only ignored the truth, they hid it, fearing that all of our nation’s people would know the truth about their inability to accomplish anything. The mainstream media colluded with these failed elected men and women, and they are responsible for destroying the essence of the United States of America. In 2016, Russian agents spent millions of dollars on social media attacking Hillary Clinton. It was effective. A lower than expected turnout in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin allowed Trump to win the Electoral College, although he was crushed in the popular vote, the only vote which should decide the future of 340 million people. Okay, everyone who reads, refusing to “learn everything they need to know from television, is aware of the previous f...

Convince Me that 8,000,000 Voters Changed Their Minds from 2020 and Voted for Trump in 2024: No F**king Way


Traitors Among Us Are Leading Us to Hell

I have feelings of overwhelming sadness today. I woke up this morning thinking about my life and how it was so very different from the obese old Nazi is now pretending to be your president. Trump was born on June 15, 1946. The day I came into this world was just three weeks later on July 7, 1946. Our paths never crossed. Trump’s path led him into the depths of everything which is wrong with the world today. He was born into a world of wealth and extreme white privilege and taught to hate anyone who was not like him. Money was his family’s god and achieving greater wealth was the family’s only goal. My family was probably considered poor when I was born in Lewiston, Idaho. However, my mother’s family was very warm and loving. The Catholic Church was at the center of their lives, and they lived according to those deep beliefs in what they were taught, a high moral standard, unbreakable principles, and respect for others,  The word “hate” was not in their vocabulary. Now that both of ...

This is not My Country, Apparently This is the One You Chose

i If you’ve listened to one Trump speech, you’ve heard them all. Regardless of how they begin, they will always include fear, anger, hatred, and a suggestion of violence in his name. Unable to accept the slightest criticism, Trump is a vengeful man who is incapable of compassion for his fellow man. He has a mental defect known as “malignant narcissism,” and this prevents him from possessing normal human attributes. After Trump was gifted the presidency by the Electoral College in 2016, with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media, the Southern Poverty Law Center reported an 800 percent increase in hate crime. Between 2017 and 2021, every time Trump opened his pie hole, he offered his supporters the beliefs of men and women involved in the Neo-Nazi movement across America. Unless you were visiting another planet between 2015 and today, you are aware that his idols are Adolf Hitler and Vladimir Putin. Read this definition, and tell me you can find one part...

This Country, I Once Loved, is Bat-Shit Crazy and I Don’t Like it Anymore

On November 9, 2016, when I learned that somehow, someway the least qualified man in history, and likely in the future, had received a victory in the Electoral College, I literally became numb. My brain could not comprehend what had happened to my country. I knew the real Donald Trump. I was aware that he had committed tax fraud for years. I knew about his bribery of state officials, I had researched his past and discovered that he was a failed businessman who had been rescued by Vladimir Putin and his Oligarchs at least once, and then again by the Saudi Royal Family. His many accusations of sexual assault were based on fact. He committed adultery while married to three different women. I also knew that he had been to at least two of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex parties. Finally, I was convinced that not only did daddy Fred buy his exemptions, keeping him from serving in Vietnam, he also paid for his diploma from Wharton. Trump had records sealed the moment he was sworn into office on January...

A Stacked Supreme Court, a Biased Mainstream Media, and a Loyal Cult Known as the “Basement Dwellers: “How Can Trump Lose?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Even before the 2020 votes were counted, the 2024 election was stacked in Trump’s favor. Moscow Mitch McConnell helped America’s greatest traitor stack the Supreme Court in his favor. The travesty of 2000 could be repeated. It was clear that the mainstream media supported Trump’s baseless claim that the 2020 election was fraudulent. Trump’s cult, who chooses to believe anything the pathological liar says, and he refers to as the “basement dwellers,” all offered an early movement to help Trump regain the White House in 2024. The mainstream media belittled President Biden from day one, never recognizing his numerous accomplishments. Instead, they joined Trump in his attacks about the President’s age. Everything was focused on a win for the least qualified candidate in history. So why is he losing today? TRUMP IS AMERICA’S BIGGEST LOSER Trump has always been a loser. The reasons are simple: he uses his own words and actions to guarantee failure. Trump is not very s...

What’s Missing from Today’s Fake Republican Party? Dignity, Self-Respect, and Patriotism

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   If you call yourself a Republican, and surrende red to Donald Trump in 2017, you also gave away your dignity, self-respect, and proved you are not a patriotic American. You have pledged your fealty to a traitor whose primary objective is to end democracy in America and replace it with a fascist regime.   If you are Kristi Noem, Elise Stefanik, Tim Scott, or Marco Rubio, you are an embarrassment to yourself, real Republicans of the past, and the United States of A merica . You are betraying yo ur coun try and abandonin g your oath of office hoping that you will be the running mate of the worst illegitimate president in American history. You are sad an d pitiful because you are the reason the American people hate professional politicians. You have made those two words the most disgusting and hated profession in our nation’s history.   TODAY, I AM EMBARRASSED TO BE AN AMERICAN   I once had some respect for both major political p...

Will You Allow Putin and Trump to Steal the Presidency Again?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “For reasons of national security,” is bullshit. In October of 2016, leaders of America’s security services informed the leaders of our government that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our election, attempting to secure the presidency for Donald Trump. However, our corrupt leaders refused to inform the American people about this fact. After the election, in which Trump was gifted the Electoral College vote, our leaders in Washington claimed that Putin’s efforts had no effect on the outcome. This was another huge lie. An abundance of evidence since that day proved that the election was rigged. This huge failure by our government is why our nation failed to move forward into the 21 st century. Trump and his fake Republican Party moved our country backwards into the dark days of the mid-twentieth century. One by one our basic rights, guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, began to disappear. These efforts by Trump and his fascist party continued after Trump was evicte...

Nevada’s Fake Republicans Prove Themselves More Ignorant than the Rest

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I have lived in Nevada since 1986. I love this state as much as I loved the state of California where I was raised. I am a lucky man who has only lived in three of the greatest cities in America: Los Angeles, San Diego, and Reno. There have been many changes in Northern Nevada over the 38 years I have lived in the Silver State. One which confuses me the most involves Republican politicians, and Nevada’s voters. I am beginning to doubt the intelligence of our state’s politicians and those who elect them. Like many situations involving the worst man in the world, this year Nevada is making news with another first, and not in a good way. To explain why our state has a Republican primary on February 6, and a Republican caucus on February 8, I take you back to some voting history in what is a called a “purple state.” As an Independent, I was pleased when our state’s people chose Brian Sandoval, a Republican, to serve as our state’s Governor in 2011. In ...