America’s Greatest Enemies in 2024: Vladimir Putin, Muhammad bin Salman, and Donald Trump

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart In 1987, Trump visited Moscow for the first time at the invitation of the KGB. Vladimir Putin was a high-ranking member of the spy organization. Although there are no records of what occurred during those meetings, there is no doubt that Trump and Putin spoke frequently. THE MEETING WHICH PLACED OUR NATION WHERE IT IS TODAY In 2013 we know that Trump visited Moscow. He owned the Miss Universe Pageant, and it was held in the Russian capital over a single weekend during that year. This is when Putin and Trump finalized plans to illegitimately win the 2016 election. When Trump’s campaign was faltering in the summer of 2016, and running out of money, tech billionaire, Robert Mercer, who had been financing the campaign of another traitor, Ted Cruz, moved his money and top aides, Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway to Trump’s campaign in August of 2016. Mercer has very close business ties to Russian oligarchs. MAKING FRIENDS In 1991, Trump businesses, including hi...