
Showing posts with the label Darkest Day in American History

Above All, Never Forget the Darkest Day in American History

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart My wife and I were watching something on television on January 6, 2021 when the broadcast was interrupted. We watched as your illegitimate president stood on a hastily constructed platform and addressed his “people.” An apparently all white crowd holding Trump banners, and wearing his ridiculous red hats cheered as he began to speak. He told the ignorant crowd that the 2020 election was buried in fraud, and that he had won the election. Therefore, he commanded them to march to the Capitol Building and halt the certification of the Electoral College vote in any way possible. Then he told them that he would be with them, but quickly marched back into the safety of the White House. For the next three hours we watched in horror as an angry and murderous crowd smashed windows and doors, struggling with the Capitol Police to enter the chambers where our legislative branch was in session. We heard chants of “let’s get Pence,” and the same for Speaker Nancy Pelosi. We w...

Since When Does “Just Doing Your Job” Include Treason?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Four indictments, more than 90 felony counts, no plausible defense, and a history of criminal activity, and the only defense offered by Trump and his co-conspirators is, “I was just doing my job.” Justice in America is not blind, not balanced. It favors the rich and powerful and at the same time punishes minorities, the poor, and anyone who might be considered less fortunate to the maximum allowed by law. Records prove that Trump’s final Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, was complicit in the planning and organization of the insurrection on January 6, 2021. He is one of the men who was indicted this week in Georgia for interfering in the results of our 2020 election. His only defense to date is, “I was just doing my job.” The indictment includes this desperate defense: Meadows asks for Georgia charges to shift to federal court, claiming he was doing his job. Aiding a coup is not your job, nor is following orders of a criminal wannabe dictator. ...

Trump Admits that He Hates America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I have written many times that Trump is not an American and therefore cannot become the President of the United States of America. Recently, he admitted that my allegation is indeed fact. The proof actually began on January 20, 2017, and was completed on January 6, 2021 when he ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College vote. Recently, he admitted that he hates the America of our founding fathers and the Constitution signed by the members of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia at the closing in 1789. He told some members of his cult that he “wished he lived overseas.” Of course the only countries which would accept him are Russia, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and Turkey. He is hated by nearly every person in any of the developed nations. I would love to see him leave our country permanently. From the day he was born, he was living in the Trump world, the Trump Klan. His daddy paid for everything from deferments...

My Biggest Fear and the End of the United States of America?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   It is undoubtedly a great thing for our nation’s future that Trump has been indicted for his organization, planning, and execution of the January 6, 2021 failed coup. However, if he is not convicted of sedition or treason, I am afraid that America will become extinct, and the dream will have become nothing but a memory. This is not a fear tactic, it is reality. If we have become a nation without laws, the Constitution, our traditions, our principles and values will become non-existent. If anyone has ever been convicted of our nation’s highest crime, how can Trump be exonerated? My wife and I watched all three hours of the January 6 insurrection, from the moment Trump ordered his Neo-Nazi army to halt the certification of the Electoral College until the end of violence and desecration inside one of our most cherished buildings, and there can be no doubt about what happened on the darkest day in America’s history. This was the most egregious attack on the Un...