
Showing posts with the label Trickle-Down Economics

Millions of People Fear Artificial Intelligence, but the Truth is, “Could it be Worse than Professional Politicians and Other Dictators?”

Two statements are accurate: “All Governments are bad, some are simply worse than others,” and “all humans are flawed, some by honest mistakes and some by choice.” Some people choose not to believe that evil is a reality and threatens everything that happens every day in America. These same people fear the inevitable advancement of Artificial Intelligence, AI, for one reason: computers are far more intelligent than any human being. Think about it. If you are a septuagenarian, as I am, you know that over time those we consider to be of great intelligence prove us wrong. Human beings are flawed; some more than others. We must study history, and we must learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. Republicans continue their attempts to hide the truth by erasing historical fact. Racism, bigotry, homophobia, religious prejudice, and misogyny would be removed from our history books if those who call themselves “Republicans” have their way. If you would like to experience the essence o...

The Second Revolutionary War is Near: Surrender to Fascism or Join the Resistance

The second Civil War began quietly in 1981. It escalated and reached its peak in 2017 with the inauguration of our 45 th and first illegitimate president, Donald John Trump. Real Americans lost the war on November 5, 2024. I remain uncertain that the election was fair. There are too many questions unanswered by our government and the mainstream media. We know that Putin was involved heavily in efforts to secure a victory for Trump, and with the inclusion of the richest man in the world, who shares egomania with Trump, I have reasons to believe the election was rigged by the best hackers in our universe However, legitimate or not, Trump’s agenda, known as Project 2025, is a 922-page fascist manifesto which will end the dreams of our Founding Fathers forever. With his selections for a cabinet and closest advisers, Trump confirms another big lie. During the 2024 campaign season, he lied to everyone, claiming that he knew nothing about the document. However, every idea, every plan in Proj...

Trump’s Economy: Massive Unemployment and a Near Depression

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump is bragging about his “economy.” The truth is, it was a disaster. The “highlights” were 2.7 million people unemployed, and a failure to lead our country through the Covid-19 Pandemic nearly placed our nation in another Great Depression. Another failure for DJT. Republicans proved themselves incapable of creating a great economy since Reagan in 1981. The primary reason: they all chose the failed policy of “trickle-down economics.” The super-rich have never been “job creators,” and never will be. BIDEN’S ECONOMY IS THE BEST SINCE THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION The truth: the economic policies of President Biden saved our economy, which is now the best since the Clinton administration. You won’t hear or read this fact from a member of the mainstream media. They have supported Trump for nine years. They continue to cover him more frequently than any other candidate. The truth is of no importance to them: the “Fourth Estate” no longer exists. A FEW FACTS Trump fail...

Nothing Important to the American People is Accomplished Without Democratic Leadership

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Republicans are incapable of leading America. This was proven most recently by Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump. They caused enormous damage to our economy and are responsible for the increase in our national debt and income inequality thanks to their use of “trickle-down economics.” Let’s focus on how important accomplishments are not possible without Democratic leadership. HELP FROM AMERICA’S GREATEST PRESIDENT I would be happy to debate two issues with anyone: in our nation’s history, who were the greatest and the worst presidents? Although it didn’t require a group of presidential historians to decide that Donald John Trump will forever be the worst president in American history, I’m glad they confirmed what we already knew. Not only did he fail to accomplish one thing in four years, he attempted to overthrow our government before being evicted from the White House. He brags about many things, none of them t...